Treeleaf Zendo is an all-digital practice place for Zen practitioners who cannot easily commute to a Zen Center due to health concerns, living in remote areas, or childcare, work and family needs, and seeks to provide Zazen sittings, retreats, discussion, interaction with a teacher, and all other activities of a Soto Zen Buddhist Sangha. Our focus is Shikantaza—“Just Sitting”—Zazen as instructed by the 13th Century Japanese Master, Eihei Dogen.
All of life is our temple.
Treeleaf Sangha is a multicultural Zen Buddhist Community opened in 2006 in which people of all socio-economic classes, nationalities, races, ages, creeds, genders, sexual orientation and identification, and physical abilities discover shared humanity by direct experience of one another’s lives. We are open to all.
We commit ourselves to cultivating a practice in diversity and multiculturalism by incorporating into our practice the dissolving of all barriers that perpetuate the suffering of separation, prejudice, and discrimination. We intend to expand and develop our awareness of the ways we are conditioned to separate ourselves by socioeconomic class, nationality, race, age, creed, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability and other forms of identity.

Many Treeleaf Sangha priests are members of the Soto Zen Buddhist Association.