I often start my morning zazen by chanting the Heart Sutra and end by reciting the Four Bodhisattva Vows. While saying the Four Vows this morning it occurred to me: who is it that says the vows? Who vows to liberate all beings, end all delusions, and all that jazz? And this was what came up (no doubt riffing on the Heart Sutra):

"Beings are numberless - I vow to free them"
No numberless beings to be freed, and no one to free them

"Delusions are inexhaustible - I vow to end them"
No inexhaustible delusions to end, and no one to end them

"Dharma gates are boundless - I vow to enter them"
"No boundless Dharma gates to be entered, and no one to enter them

"The Buddha way is unsurpassable - I vow to realize it"
No unsurpassable Buddha way, and no one to realize it