Hello all Treeleafers;

We've all had those moments when everything just falls into place and we suddenly understand things with a new perspective that was previously hidden. I had one of those yesterday after talking to fellow Treeleaf member, Fugen, online. during the course of our conversation, I made several failed attempts to get my web-cam working, and he said a few times that, ".. things happen. .. life is our practice".

Now, although I had heard this before in other situations, and understood what was meant, it wasn't until later that the full realization hit me: up to this point in my life, I had been compartmentalizing my entire life - work was different from home, home was separate from my practice, practice was isolated to the cushion!

Suddenly the light went on - it IS all the same thing. Why had I not been bringing it all together? Then I had another thought (WARNING: sarcasm Alert), "Gee, thanks Fugen, now I have change the whole way I think and do things. Now I have to become responsible for my life and all the crap that happens in it. NOW I can't pretend I don't know anymore. Gee, Thanks, what a gift." (end of sarcasm transmission).

Seriously though, has anybody else ever had this happen where you know you can no longer pretend ignorance? Please share your thoughts and experiences, as I'm very interested in hearing from others.
