We continue our reading with SHOBOGENZO-ZUIMONKI - 3-10 to 3-14 ...

http://global.sotozen-net.or.jp/common_ ... 03-10.html

I will just mention a couple of things. The layman "Hoon" who is mentioned in 3-11 is the great "Layman P'ang" ... one of the great enlightened laypeople in Zen stories ...


and everyone at some time should read the little tales attributed to him (here is one translation I have not read, I am more familiar with the Ruth Sasaki version) ...

http://www.amazon.com/Sayings-Layman-Pa ... 382&sr=1-1

Laymen P'ang sits right up their with Vimalakirti as a symbol for lay (non-ordained, householder) practice ...


http://www.amazon.com/Holy-Teaching-Vim ... 0271006013

Also, let me emphasize again that THERE IS NO NEED TO AGREE WITH DOGEN ZENJI ON EVERYTHING ... Just because he was "enlightened" does not mean he had all the answers. (It is probably enough to agree on the main stuff, the important stuff about "the universe and life" ... not how to best wash your socks). So, for example, his advice on a fellow thinking to abandon his old mother to poverty in order to be a priest in 3-14 ... eh? I don't know about that at all.

Gassho, J