I walk down the street and people look. Fooled by the delusion that there is someone there.

I just walk. Walking is it. Do I have goal for this walk? Sure it's there. Am I bothered by that. No.

It is being aware of what it is. Knowing what it is, "is" the essential core of Buddhism.

There is nothing more to say. Though you can speak if you want.

Things are normally fueled by the delusion there is something there. And the more you try to hold onto it, the greater that delusion becomes.

It is not avoidance, or trying to achieve or "not hold on to anything".

It just is.

It is about balance.

Let a cat be cat. Why do I care whether it is a cat or not?

Cats eat.
I eat.

Cat's run.
I run.

I don't have to explain it because it is already here.

You can't find happiness in "that". It is found in the understanding that you have been a fool all along, and "that" is ok.
