I've been trying to think of a thread to give encouragement to all your sitters out there. I ain't got much except a list of what I have learned from sitting over the years.
1. I have learned that all the things that I expected from zazen will come: peace, bliss, enlightenment, kensho, out of body experiences, insight, ESP, and whatever all happen, just not the way I expected them. I have faith that they will for you too if you just keep sitting while being open to accepting the unexpected.
2. I have learned that I can't fight my thoughts or impulses. My dark nature is still there, alive and well, undefeated actually. But we are on much better terms lately and our relationship continues to grow. It's all me, and it's all you, too, so just keep sitting with it/yourself and I trust that your relationship with it/you will also grow.
3. I have learned that it takes a lot of practice to let go. We think of letting go as relaxing, and it is, but our whole life conditions us to hold on to anything and everything, in other words to grasp tightly. Everything around me tells me to grasp except one thing, and that one thing is zazen. Just keep sitting, because that is about the only practice of letting go I can find in my grasping day-to-day world, and I keep getting better at it, and I trust that you will too.
4. I have learned that even though my zazen often seems like a mess, it must be working because it taught me 1, 2, and 3 above, so just keep sitting,! and I trust that you also find your own way like I continue to do.

What else have people learned? What other encouragers can we put out here for all of US that struggle along the Path? Please share!