
I will be returning to the U.S. for a couple of weeks from today (or, anyway, the part of America closest to Japan ... Hawaii). The "official" reason is to preserve my wife's immigration status during our never-ending baby adoption from China, but I am going to take the opportunity to visit a couple of national/state parks for camping (yes, on top of the volcano!), plus sit a bit of Zazen with a group there (yes, sitting ... on top of the volcano!) ... so internet will be sporadic some days. Most days, I should be able to keep it going as always, but the "live" retreat and Zazenkai will be difficult the coming Saturdays.

Therefore our 4 hour, August "Live" Zazenkai will be moved to the SECOND Saturday of the month
... August 8 ... from 9 p.m. Japan time (currently New York 8am, Los Angeles 5am, London 1pm and Paris 2pm, Saturday) ...

The remaining information is unchanged, here:


Although it is tempting, I will not be reviving my brief surfing career of 35 years ago.

So ... ALOHA-GASSHO! Jundo