I deleted this post because I wasn't that clear at the time of writing it. I think it is an important teaching and I don't want to see anyone making the same mistakes I have, so I rewrote it with a little clearer mind.
If this life is so short then why not practice only one thing? Know that thing through and through. Anything less is only half way there.

Siddhratha Guatama spent his time going from teacher to teacher. He gave everything he had to a school or practice. So much so that he became a teacher of that particular school. Somehow those schools weren't doing it for him, so he moved on to the next.

Our life is like this. If we do not fully practice one thing, then our time is wasted. How can we truly understand anything if we don't even understanding one thing. Choose your practice and do it. Do it day in and day out. Whatever your practice is.

You see, we can't stand around wondering or discussing it. We have to do it (practice is enlightenment). Let the wisdom that you gain from giving your heart to one thing, guide your decisions in the future.

We like to think that the grass is always greener on the other side, but just stick with the grass you have now. Understand it through and through. If you are still left guessing after that, then do as Siddhartha did. It is important that you don't waste your time.

There is a teacher for every school. There is a guide for every practice.