Hi again,

Another query popped into my head. I'm not expecting concrete answers but if anyone has any opinions please share them. It was inspired by a short clip of Master Seung Sahn - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6rXK_Z6Rco[/video]]

So why do you (as in you personally) do zazen?

Master SS " Your direction clear, your meditation clear, your whole life clear. Your direction not clear, then meditation not clear. Everything not clear.

So why you (do) meditation? That's the point"

The reason for asking this is what should the direction be?

I am not naive to think that if I find the direction then life will be great but this point has been irking me for a whole. I know nevertheless to just stick to the practice but (which I intend to keep on doing in my haphazard inconsitent manner (yes want to be more committed, but am lazy (yes I want to be less lazy too))) but any feedback on thoughts and opinions wud be cool.

