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Thread: Chant at ring big bell

  1. #1

    Chant at ring big bell

    Hi this is Kakunen

    I share video at my temple Seikokuji.

    Chant Bonsho-Noge.

    I try to search English version later.

    Nine bows
    Sat today

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #2
    Treeleaf Unsui Nengei's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    Minnesota's Driftless Area
    What a beautiful space, Kakunen. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    然芸 Nengei
    Sat today. LAH.
    You deserve to be happy.
    You deserve to be loved.
    Last edited by Nengei; 01-25-2019 at 03:18 AM.

  3. #3
    Lovely, Kakunen. I love your Sampai (Three Bows) with Smart Phone!

    I believe this is close to what you were chanting (some Kanji pronounced a little differently)

    Meishō no ge (Bell-ringing Verse) 鳴鐘の偈
    San zu hachi nan, 三途八難
    Three evil paths, eight difficulties,
    sok-ku jo san, 息苦停酸
    stifled-suffering, and bitternesses …
    hōk-kai shu-jō, 法界衆生
    of [all] masses of creatures in the Dharma-realms (Dharmadhātu) cease.
    mon shō go-dō.  聞聲悟道
    Hear [this] sound and Awaken [to the] Way.
    The "three evil paths" are the realms of hells, hungry ghosts and animals, and the "eight difficulties" are traditiionally:

    Eight places, states, or circumstances wherein one is unable to see a Buddha or to listen to his teaching. They are (1) hell; (2) the realm of hungry spirits; (3) the realm of animals; (4) the heaven of long life (any of the eighteen heavens in the world of form or the four heavens in the world of formlessness where beings live long; or, by another account, the Heaven of No Thought in the fourth meditation heaven in the world of form); (5) Uttarakuru, the continent north of Mount Sumeru where pleasures dominate; (6) obstructions of the sense organs, such as blindness; (7) attachment to and satisfaction with secular knowledge; and (8) the period before a Buddha’s birth or after his death.
    Note that even many of the heavens keep us from realizing the way, because the pleasures are TOO good ... as many a famous star in Hollywood has discovered.

    Note the comment about "blindness," one of many example of discriminatory comments toward the "differently abled."

    Kakunen did not show the actual Bonsho (Big Bell) ringing ritual, but if you would like to see the full ritual (including how Abacus-like beads or stones are moved to keep count), here it is,

    The Ceremony starts with the following preliminary chants ...

    Bow to Bonsho, un-role mat, do x3 Prostrations.
    Sanki-Raimon (Three Returnings Rite Literary, or Three Refuges Prayer) (0) 三帰 礼文
    Jī ki e Butsu, (1) 自皈依佛,
    I follow and comply [with the] Buddha,
    tō gan shu jō, (2) 當願眾生,
    making [this] vow [with all] masses [of] creatures,
    tai ge dai dō, (3) 體解大道,
    [with this] body to understand [the] Great-Way,
    hotsu mu jō shin. (4) 發無上心。
    and bring-forth [the] highest mind-spirit.
    Jī ki e Hō, (5) 自皈依法,
    I follow and comply [with the] Law [Dharma],
    tō gan shu jō, (6) 當願眾生,
    making [this] vow [with all] masses [of] creatures,
    jin nyū kyō zō, (7) 深入經藏,
    to penetrate the [Buddhist] scripture-storehouse,
    chi e nyō kai. (8) 智慧如海。
    [with-it's] wisdom, [vast] as the oceans.
    Jī ki e Sō, (9) 自皈依僧,
    I follow and comply [with the] Sangha,
    tō gan shu jō, (10) 當願眾生,
    making [this] vow [with all] masses [of] creatures,
    tō ri dai shū, (11) 統理大眾,
    to unite [with this] ordered great-multitude,
    is-sai mū gē. (12) 一切無礙。
    completely without hindrance.

    Pre-Bell-ringing Vow
    I cho shi sei, (1) 位緒至誠
    Firstly, beginning sincerely by,
    tō gan shu jō, (2) 當願眾生
    making [this] vow, [with all] masses [of] creatures,
    das san gai ku, (3) 脱散外垢
    to remove, [and] cast-out [all] defilements,
    soku sho Bo-dai.  (4) 即緒菩提
    [thus] instantly bringing Enlightened-awakening.
    Then, the above "Meishō no ge" (Bell-ringing Verse). That is followed by the following:

    En Mei Juku Kannon Gyo (1) 延命十句観音経
    Prolonging Life Ten Phrases [for the] [World]-Regarder, Sound-[reciter] [Avalokiteśvara].
    Kan-ze-on, (1) 観世音,
    Regarder-world, sound-[reciter], (Avalokiteśvara),
    na-mu Butsu, (2) 南無佛,
    adoration Buddha,
    yo Butsu ū in, (3) 与佛有因,
    together with Buddha because,
    yo Butsu ū en, (4) 与佛 有縁,
    together with Buddha related,
    Bup-pō sō en, (5) 佛 法僧縁,
    Buddha, Dharma, Sangha relation,
    jō raku gajō, (6) 常楽我浄,
    eternal joy ego cleansing,
    chō nen Kan-ze-on, (7) 朝念観世音,
    morning thought Regarder-world, sound-[reciter] (Avalokiteśvara),
    bo nen Kan-ze-on, (8) 暮念観世音,
    evening thought Regarder-world, sound-[reciter] (Avalokiteśvara),
    nen nen jū shin ki, (9) 念念従心起,
    thought [after] thought passes through mind-arising,
    nen nen fu ri shin. (10) 念念不離心.
    thought [after] thought not separate [from] mind.
    (x6 ending; 5x  Prostrate, last 1x  Prostrate)

    Fu Eko (Universal Transference of Merit) (0) 普 回向文
    Negawakuba; kono kudokuwa motte, (1) 願わくば 此の 功徳わ 以て,
    We wish, by-means of this current meritorious action,
    ameneku issai ni oyoboshi, (2) 普く 一切 に 及ぼし,
    universally reaching out to all,
    warera to shujō, (3) 我等 と 衆生,
    [that] we, with all masses of creatures,
    to mina tomoni butsu dō wo jō zen koto o. (4) と 皆 共に 仏道 を 成 専 亊 を.
    together arrive at the Buddha-Way, [making] this matter [our] utmost priority.
    Ji-po sanze issai no Shobutsu, (5) 十方 三世 一切 の 諸佛
    Ten directions, three worlds [past, present and future], all the many Buddhas,
    shoson Bosatsu Makasatsu, (6) 諸 尊 菩薩 摩訶薩,
    [the] many noble Bodhisattvas, Mahāsattvas,
    Gassho, J

    Last edited by Jundo; 01-22-2019 at 01:00 PM.

  4. #4
    I also have to add this video of Korean style Buddhist drumming which is, well, Gene Krupa and Keith Moon have nothing on these guys ...

    Last edited by Jundo; 01-22-2019 at 01:13 PM.

  5. #5

    Chant at ring big bell

    Thank you Jundo.

    Big bell is symbol of this area.

    So I can not ring,if my teacher(head monk) doesn’t allow me.

    Nine bows
    Sat today

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #6
    Really interesting stuff. Thanks!

    Gassho, Shinshi

    空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi
    I am just a priest-in-training, any resemblance between what I post and actual teachings is purely coincidental.
    E84I - JAJ

  7. #7
    Beautiful, Kakunen! Thank you for sharing with us.


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