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Thread: ARTS: Big and Little Poetry--free verse, any verse.

  1. #251
    Shokai means first time.
    Together we see Shi poetry
    Calm Tai, mystify not
    First time, let me learn
    To sit with you
    First Time, this is another
    First time beautiful morning
    I sit first time this morning
    Because I wear rakusu
    I see first time, I see
    I smile like autumn haze.
    Yes, mouth makes oval smile.
    Tai Shi
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  2. #252
    The editor I read was wrong Yasunari Kawabata, Nobel Prize 1968, is not the only Japanese writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature but two others. The list was confusing because one of these men became a British Citizen. I missed a third writer Kenzaburo Oe, books A Personal Matter, The Silent City, more, contemporary novelist, I have only read Kawabata Snow Country, and this I found emotionally and artistically moving. Kokuu correct me if I am wrong and I will check for the British Citizen. I believe Kazuo Ishiguro, and was Knighted Sir Kazuo Ishiguro. His notable works include fiction. Britain claims him, and what I see are books written in English. His wife appears British. Notably start with His book, Never Let Me Go. Japan Nobel Prize Winners are predominately fiction.
    sat/ lah
    sat/ lah
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  3. #253
    Hi Tai Shi

    Yes, Kazuo Ishiguro was knighted in 2018. Although he was born in Nagasaki, Japan, he moved to the UK with his parents when he was five so considers himself English.

    In the same year as he was knighted, he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun, 2nd Class, Gold and Silver Star by the Japanese government.


  4. #254

    My friend, a priest,
    says his name Kokuu
    Kokujin meaning
    Black man
    He tells me Kokuu
    Meaning stone face
    One volume important
    Reasons not one meaning
    Kioshi meaning
    Popularity, Koku
    In Japanese song
    Anime, mocvies
    Story teller,
    Koku in Kanji
    I have less learning
    He is a place,
    Point in time
    AS pronoun
    Koko means literally
    Something close
    To speaker two
    Kanji close together
    The other meaning
    Place, literally
    Means place in Japanese
    He is placed in time
    Kokuu only part
    Of place immovable
    Stone face place
    Not easily shaken
    A face for all time
    My dear friend
    Finds this old
    Old man a friend
    Supportive of this
    His new priesthood,
    He is immobile,
    Quietly in stone
    He deserves place
    Of teacher, as
    I am poet my
    Name means strong
    Man, I am found man
    Supporting Koko,
    Kokuu, friend,
    teacher, Hakkari
    Hakkan province
    In Turkey international
    Reserved for Kurds,
    Iranian or KURD,
    Strong man in Japan
    Strong immovable
    Passive not in Haiku
    Light in verse, more
    Than light in China.
    He travels glove throughout
    Europe with Zoom
    Verses reserved
    For disabled friends
    Like Kurds misunderstood
    Like me Tai Shi
    Calm Poetry, he taught
    Me steadfastness, alert
    At old age I will live
    To see my sleeping
    Friend become literature,
    All disabilities, all races
    For all time.

    Tai Shi
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  5. #255
    That's lovely. Tai Shi!

  6. #256

    Do I know Japanese?
    Most only Goodbye,
    Kanji, wistfully
    I see daughter,
    PhD she gave up
    Classes at Famous
    Japanese University
    To finish writing longest
    Writing! For me my
    Research into writing
    Into Journals, Chi Square
    I found young students
    Came to like Journal
    Writing. Daughter may
    Delve into chapbooks
    Lost in Bird chatter,
    In twitter, in faceless
    Books of Japanese poetry,
    Laughing into lost
    Obscurity. I know
    So little of her book,
    Of Japanese literature,
    Written by women
    In solemnity, in wistful
    Wonderment with wind
    Gone with flowers into sun,
    Sunrise it is my homeland
    Bright surgery remembered
    To augment my fatherhood
    To daughter becoming famous,
    Or is it for girls' obscurity?

    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 12-25-2022 at 07:52 PM. Reason: Got it I think
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  7. #257
    This Dove

    Flies on wings of living
    Silver, discenting
    Heaven caught flight,
    Into glorius invisable air,
    Smootrh glides bird,
    Whose spirit this bird
    Whelms us beyond,
    over, under, melodious
    Tones of air, tomes declare,
    Fire discharged as rare
    Dance upon wings upward
    Upward, so wings Poet,
    Singing into night, in dark
    Dance remain still in air,
    Let dust be left below,
    Above intoicantss, CO2
    Made CO what to do?
    What to do, but dance
    Above clouds, above dense
    Air, filled with particulate,
    Stench lasted only
    So hight, then disapated,
    Spellbound, raptureous,
    Beginning, let us be let
    Us but see, let us see.

    Tai Shi
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  8. #258
    A student of Zen
    has to be fierce
    a sword that splits hairs
    into shimmering moonlight
    let buddhas and patriarchs come
    cut them in two on the spot
    a wooden horse neighs in the clouds
    a carp of the mountain bleds
    return to the towering cliffs a hero
    step right through the Huating moonlight

    ~ Stonehouse (1272-1352), translation by Red Pine from 'Stonehouse's Poems for Zen Monks'


  9. #259
    Red Pine is a great winner of The Pen award of London, translation. Our daughter is a runner up for her Novella Translation, for her MFA thesis, Japanese to English. She is beginning to be paid for her translations, and at the end or her PhD Japanese literatiure, comp lit. However, I wish she were not too proud but to drop by and see Jundo when in Japan, her excuses, no time.
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 12-30-2022 at 01:49 PM. Reason: spelling
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  10. #260

    Strongest Blizzars in Years

    Blizzards in Years

    In so many words,
    Snow laden clouds at 50 below F,
    Wind chill 40 mph and two feet
    Of snow. Blizzard winds night down
    Shoots of cold flame; last week
    Saw death or fairing cattle, farmers
    Placed blankets on backs of animals.
    Still someday the death.

    We saw the week before Christmas the worst weather in decades. Fifty below F wind chill in many places in the Upper Midwestern USA broke records since recorded weather, snow blowing down from Canadian plains where in many a day there even lower as to see, as much as two feet as we saw to four feet drifts around our neighborhood, then this week snow melt as temtrature rose yesterday, and day before to 40 degrees above 0 degrees F, and snow melted both creating treachous roads and damaged cars. There were many weather related deaths; So much for gunfire, and even children die. There was a time that professor with MA on my committee sought to block my MFA creative writing poetry. Professor at my university, and I know she fought to give me passing in my comprehensives, and stole my poem to make herself better than poets like me. Our daughter's was in translation actually better than one A; in Calligraphy and translation daughter was told to go on for her PhD and earned money for her poetry translations telling me she did not like poetry she wrote for her workshop, and I was to be told to teach in Commmunity College. There were no jobs for me, none except I wrote to 523 applications; blind applications I sent to many universities where nothing was, not advertised. My wife says ancient history. Why Dwell in empty halls? My explanations belabored go on to infintesimy. Is there such a word for "Infinaty" where records broke in Buffallo, New York. This too is poetry.
    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 12-30-2022 at 02:23 PM. Reason: Nothing to be done, always spelling

  11. #261
    This was His gift.

    From his daughter
    For his birthday,
    When she Arrived
    Investment Home

    Allows one to rent
    Or own homes
    For 100 dollars,

    Yield at three
    Point two percent
    Per year.
    When they bought

    At Five point five percent,
    If his mother, his origin
    Had opening
    To their Home

    She would have thought,
    His Silent grace Greatest
    Life in mother's poetry,

    As an old man
    His at 71, greatest hope
    Little girl in elementary

    The other child
    For Patty Brown...
    His Book of poetry

    His wife, his Marjorie,
    Meaning pearl,
    Brought about shadows

    Love cannot get
    Angry at a child

    Or child's mother
    About shadow change
    In his heart, in his life

    Departed to a home
    Brought silently in good,

    She leads
    Him out of anger

    To live her life,
    In old age without games

    Of daughter's poetry,
    Which he taught
    When she loved her mother,
    And loved his poetry.

    sat/ lah
    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-03-2023 at 03:11 PM. Reason: one word
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  12. #262
    Tai Shi

    As Ever you are infinitely productive, I bow to your efforts to bring light to the world

    Tokan (satlah)

  13. #263
    leon, I simply love you, as teacher poet to nurese poet, and please write add implant enfolded words of love, allow your brilliant voice to sing in words again. May you ever be in this old man's heart.
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 05-04-2023 at 12:10 PM.
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  14. #264
    Entropy. Cartilage has vanished from between
    long leg bones, and I have become
    dependent; may I have some help please
    with these pants, these socks, this clacking

    knee brace, this burgeoning heaped skunkish
    laundry full of everything that leapt from
    the spoon onto my clothing, this tea welling up
    somehow from my cup's brim to spread across

    the tidal flat of my shaking hand and fill
    the sea cave of my sleeve? Huh, and if
    last night's frost has subsided enough,
    perhaps even with such a day's beginning

    I can hope to step into these two unmatched
    clogs and shamble on, past undone chores,
    gathering up my left-hand stick and my right-
    hand stick, and walk the dog. There is no dog;

    what he left behind lies there: that small
    basaltic stupa, littered with seasonal
    offerings -- lately, deadnettles that wilt
    in such hurry. But I call to him anyway;

    he loved these walks so, that I feel obliged,
    knee brace and all, to retrace our kinhin route
    each weekday Armageddon fails to materialize.
    Oaks throw shade; in summer I seek them,

    in winter avoid. This is a ritual. As when I sit,
    as when I chant, I know, even when tongue tied,
    or falling asleep, or feeling my knee brace loosen and drop
    just as I stagger into the ditch to avoid a truck,

    that ritual is a kind of living being, made up of
    my life and also the lives of all who participate
    in some way, such as: "are you going to 'walk
    the dog?'" Yes. "Have you got some water and

    your phone?" Yes. "Okay; if you're not back
    in an hour, I'll come looking for you." I bobbled
    the Heart Sutra this morning, as I always do,
    but this little exchange of hearts is itself

    the Middle Way. Along the road, taking tiny
    steps, tinier every year, I stop
    to watch a robin angling for its worm.
    The little dog that isn't there

    wags his universe of tail.

    ds sat but mostly slept
    Visiting priest: use salt

  15. #265
    Quote Originally Posted by Shōnin Risa Bear View Post
    Entropy. Cartilage has vanished from between
    long leg bones, and I have become
    dependent; may I have some help please
    with these pants, these socks, this clacking

    knee brace, this burgeoning heaped skunkish
    laundry full of everything that leapt from
    the spoon onto my clothing, this tea welling up
    somehow from my cup's brim to spread across

    the tidal flat of my shaking hand and fill
    the sea cave of my sleeve? Huh, and if
    last night's frost has subsided enough,
    perhaps even with such a day's beginning

    I can hope to step into these two unmatched
    clogs and shamble on, past undone chores,
    gathering up my left-hand stick and my right-
    hand stick, and walk the dog. There is no dog;

    what he left behind lies there: that small
    basaltic stupa, littered with seasonal
    offerings -- lately, deadnettles that wilt
    in such hurry. But I call to him anyway;

    he loved these walks so, that I feel obliged,
    knee brace and all, to retrace our kinhin route
    each weekday Armageddon fails to materialize.
    Oaks throw shade; in summer I seek them,

    in winter avoid. This is a ritual. As when I sit,
    as when I chant, I know, even when tongue tied,
    or falling asleep, or feeling my knee brace loosen and drop
    just as I stagger into the ditch to avoid a truck,

    that ritual is a kind of living being, made up of
    my life and also the lives of all who participate
    in some way, such as: "are you going to 'walk
    the dog?'" Yes. "Have you got some water and

    your phone?" Yes. "Okay; if you're not back
    in an hour, I'll come looking for you." I bobbled
    the Heart Sutra this morning, as I always do,
    but this little exchange of hearts is itself

    the Middle Way. Along the road, taking tiny
    steps, tinier every year, I stop
    to watch a robin angling for its worm.
    The little dog that isn't there

    wags his universe of tail.

    ds sat but mostly slept

    Gassho2 stlh

    Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
    My life is my temple and my practice.

  16. #266
    Jar of Open Space

    So much depended upon
    Data data data, siting
    Just sit, sit twenty minutes,
    Savoring completion,
    Furnace become instant roar,
    Calm, I sit open mind,
    Pain throbs through

    Stanza of bright light,
    On this page became words
    Star dust satiating coming
    My after life when pain
    Will dissipate amonting one

    Black of galaxies
    Of endless signature
    Disabled curved spine
    Gone into simple yoke
    Of Yearning down, five

    Million years to travel
    Back to Sun exploding
    Out then back to ball
    Of neutron substance
    Realizing my future

    Birth beyond curved
    Bone cartilage gristle
    Sinew into dissipation
    Relieved at last my
    Wisdom gone to nought

    Thru nothing keyhole,
    Star someday washing
    Every pain all away
    Belief all shattered, gone
    To some distant nothing

    My, my, my duka into
    Eternal coming black
    Toy relief of sitting
    Somewhere into some
    New middle way done

    Is instant being known
    Not knowing turnpike
    Ever again some planet
    Or planetoid remembered
    Gone is pain of sit just gone.

    Taishi Gassho
    sat today, middle way
    Helped another.
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-10-2023 at 03:17 PM. Reason: edit
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  17. #267
    Quote Originally Posted by Koushi View Post
    Hey there! Embarrassment is normal I think. Us writers and poets are always so self-critical. Please keep sharing, they’re great

    LAH is short for “lend/lent a hand”. Where signing ST/Sat/Sat Today is what you’ll see most, LAH is usually after if someone feels called to share


    Hey shawnzen, you get a thumbs up from me too! If I may add something, the writer of poetry may have a 'reader response' in mind, but such things have a mind of their own. Your poetry seems insightful, open and honest exposing your human vulnerabilty (which we all share), it is encouraging and affirming of our practice, and has a lovely sense of calm connection to nature and reality, so please continue to share. I'm aware that this post is a little out of date, but only just came across your writings.

    Deep bows and gassho

    Tokan (satlah)
    Last edited by Tokan; 01-11-2023 at 11:40 PM.

  18. #268
    I hope this is the appropriate place to post this.

    Having just read through Jundo's book again and almost finished, the second to the last chapter is Uji (Being Time). I wrote a song called Being Time and released it on a CD called Being Time in 2010. Here is the poetry/lyrics

    Being Time

    Can you feel the heat from all of your emotions?
    Crested high upon some inkling of the truth
    Exposing time as just another fixed creation
    Forever branded there from teachings in our youth
    A looking glass reflecting mind
    An hour glass, the sands of time
    Blended moments pass before our chance to reason
    Unveiling mysteries that lay inside our mind
    Just as winter dies and spring appears in season
    So are we - extended lives that intertwine
    A mirror shine reflecting space
    A rhythmic dance is keeping pace



  19. #269
    Quote Originally Posted by Daiman View Post
    I hope this is the appropriate place to post this.

    Having just read through Jundo's book again and almost finished, the second to the last chapter is Uji (Being Time). I wrote a song called Being Time and released it on a CD called Being Time in 2010. Here is the poetry/lyrics

    Being Time

    Can you feel the heat from all of your emotions?
    Crested high upon some inkling of the truth
    Exposing time as just another fixed creation
    Forever branded there from teachings in our youth
    A looking glass reflecting mind
    An hour glass, the sands of time
    Blended moments pass before our chance to reason
    Unveiling mysteries that lay inside our mind
    Just as winter dies and spring appears in season
    So are we - extended lives that intertwine
    A mirror shine reflecting space
    A rhythmic dance is keeping pace


    Love to hear the CD, maybe purchase a copy, if you have a link. It is okay to link to one's music in the arts section.


    I sometimes think that Treeleaf needs to put out some albums. A Treeleaf record label.

    Gassho, J


  20. #270
    Quote Originally Posted by Jundo View Post
    Love to hear the CD, maybe purchase a copy, if you have a link. It is okay to link to one's music in the arts section.


    I sometimes think that Treeleaf needs to put out some albums. A Treeleaf record label.

    Gassho, J

    Good Day Jundo,

    Here is the link to the album. It is on Apple Music.

    Be forewarned that this music is heavier Prog Rock. It is a way for me to be balanced with my Zen Yin side and Heavy Guitar Yang side. .

    I wrote this whole album on acoustic guitar believe it or not. It is me on lead vocals and rhythm and lead guitar. There is another guitarist I brought in on this project for rhythm and lead as well.

    I would say to listen the second track Being Time first. In the beginning there is some Buddhist monk chanting. Enjoy!



    Last edited by Daiman; 01-18-2023 at 02:45 PM.

  21. #271
    With grace and power, he soars above,
    A basketball in hand, a symbol of love.
    His legs pump like pistons, his arms spread wide,
    As he rises up, to slam the ball inside.

    The crowd roars with delight, as he takes flight,
    His body a blur, a picture of might.
    He hangs in the air, defying all odds,
    A human highlight reel, a basketball god.

    With a thunderous dunk, the ball crashes through,
    A moment of beauty, a sight to view.
    He lands on the court, a champion's stance,
    His legacy forever, in basketball's romance.

    For he is Michael, the GOAT, the one,
    Who took the game to new heights, never done.
    He left us all in awe, with each dunk and shot,
    A basketball legend, who can never be forgot.

    Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH

  22. #272
    Like the Buddha of old,
    Jundo Cohen's teachings bold,
    Guide us on the path to truth,
    Leading us to inner youth.

    With each breath, a new beginning,
    With each step, a path to inner winning.
    His words of wisdom, like a beacon,
    Lead us to the ultimate freedom.

    Jundo's presence, like the Buddha,
    A source of peace, a gentle aura.
    His humility and grace,
    Inspire us to let go and embrace.

    We are grateful for the light,
    That Jundo, like the Buddha, brings to the darkest night.
    May we all follow in their way,
    Towards enlightenment, day by day.

    Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH

  23. #273
    Quote Originally Posted by Jishin View Post
    Like the Buddha of old,
    Jundo Cohen's teachings bold,
    Guide us on the path to truth,
    Leading us to inner youth.

    With each breath, a new beginning,
    With each step, a path to inner winning.
    His words of wisdom, like a beacon,
    Lead us to the ultimate freedom.

    Jundo's presence, like the Buddha,
    A source of peace, a gentle aura.
    His humility and grace,
    Inspire us to let go and embrace.

    We are grateful for the light,
    That Jundo, like the Buddha, brings to the darkest night.
    May we all follow in their way,
    Towards enlightenment, day by day.

    Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH
    At least it does not include reference to "Nantucket ... "

    Gassho, J


  24. #274
    Quote Originally Posted by Jundo View Post
    At least it does not include reference to "Nantucket ... "

    Gassho, J

    Jundo the Zen master,
    In robes of white,
    Walked the beaches of Nantucket,
    With seagulls in flight.

    His mind at ease,
    His heart full of peace,
    He wandered the shore,
    With each step, a release.

    The sound of the waves,
    The salt in the air,
    Cleared his mind,
    And stilled his care.

    The island of Nantucket,
    With its natural grace,
    Provided the perfect setting,
    For Jundo's Zen space.

    He sat in meditation,
    Beneath the blue sky,
    With the sea as his witness,
    His spirit began to fly.

    Jundo the Zen master,
    And Nantucket's shore,
    Together in harmony,

  25. #275
    Quote Originally Posted by Jishin View Post
    Jundo the Zen master,
    In robes of white,
    Walked the beaches of Nantucket,
    With seagulls in flight.

    His mind at ease,
    His heart full of peace,
    He wandered the shore,
    With each step, a release.

    The sound of the waves,
    The salt in the air,
    Cleared his mind,
    And stilled his care.

    The island of Nantucket,
    With its natural grace,
    Provided the perfect setting,
    For Jundo's Zen space.

    He sat in meditation,
    Beneath the blue sky,
    With the sea as his witness,
    His spirit began to fly.

    Jundo the Zen master,
    And Nantucket's shore,
    Together in harmony,

    It appears a new Treeleaf Chant has been created...


  26. #276

  27. #277
    It is my great joy that other Zendo members have found with words to celebrate again the music of their own verses. I encourage any and all posts. We are good to each other. Each has found voice and sound and sense. May you continue in the forest of words to find your own path. All are welcome. Thank you.
    sat/ LAH
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-20-2023 at 01:12 PM. Reason: spelling
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  28. #278
    She Finds Her Way

    Strong beneath enriched lives,
    Gratitude grows as we are couple
    Reaching into sky. Wholeness

    Sisters gather grace
    Brothers send strength
    Father, mother, we are all
    We seek, generations

    Of quiet, world of patterns,
    Poetry, verse of atonement
    In every direction; power.
    She sits with me to meet in silence,

    Stopping all, we ask nothing
    We Say nothing, breath of life,
    Upon breath, Maturation
    More grows relaxed
    Our wrongs silently gone,

    Breathing she is deepest blessing.
    Reachingh, each giving strength?
    More, I suddenly recognized her life.
    Marjorie is kind pearl, Zen originator

    Of Family I have finally found
    This woman who found life
    I give her rubies--the jewels
    Of forty years, growth, anniversary,

    One who drops to rise. Finally
    Adorned beautiful. Gift to another
    Our child making our road straight.
    This love I have always needed.

    I am finding, I can hear, I give
    This ring:he has accepted, golden red
    Three songs. breathing together

    Emerging from fire, seven decades
    Plus our gift of one, forged three
    For alive, We let our child fly

    We freely give our child strength.
    She departs as doctor of philosophy,
    She is gone, flying away
    She has found her voice.

    Deepest bows
    In appreciation
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-20-2023 at 03:55 PM. Reason: Title, every poem needs title, as per writing classes
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  29. #279
    I do not write poetry, I just notice it
    In the way the sun rises, and the way it sets
    In the way the leaves fall, and the way they grow
    In the way the clouds move, and the way they show

    The beauty of the world, in all its forms
    The poetry is there, waiting to be born
    I do not write it, but I see it clear
    And in my heart, it forever will be dear.

    Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH

  30. #280
    Jundo the Zen master,
    In robes of white,
    Walked the beaches of Nantucket,
    With seagulls in flight.
    Oh gee. I like your poems until now. Stick to medicine.

    Okay, can you make on that rhymes with orange?

    Gassho, J


  31. #281
    Quote Originally Posted by Jundo View Post
    Oh gee. I like your poems until now. Stick to medicine.

    Okay, can you make on that rhymes with orange?

    Gassho, J

    Jundo, the Zen master, sits in stillness,
    An orange, a fruit of nature, hangs in its richness.
    Different they may seem, but in truth, they're not,
    For both hold secrets that can only be taught.

    Jundo, with wisdom, teaches us to let go,
    An orange, with its peel, shows us how to grow.
    Different they may seem, but in truth, they're the same,
    For both hold the key to life's endless game.

    One is a teacher of the mind, the other of the body,
    But both lead us to a path of inner calm and serenity.
    Different they may be, but in the end, they're one,
    For both Jundo and orange, teach us what has to be done.

    So, let us not see them as separate,
    For in their differences, they complement.
    Jundo and orange, two sides of the same coin,
    Guiding us to find peace and joy within.

  32. #282
    Orange you something, Jishin.

    (But, please, leave me out of your poems. Thank you.)

    Gassho, J


  33. #283
    Quote Originally Posted by Jundo View Post
    Orange you something, Jishin.

    (But, please, leave me out of your poems. Thank you.)

    Gassho, J


  34. #284
    Worry not about dying, for it is beyond our might,
    A mystery of life, a natural plight.
    Embrace each day as if it were your last,
    And cherish every moment that goes by so fast.

    Do not fret about what you cannot control,
    For it is but a waste of time and a toll.
    Live in the present, with all your might,
    And make the most of this fleeting life's light.

    Death will come, as it must to all,
    But let it not cause fear to rise in your fall.
    For in living fully, we honor the dead,
    And in dying, we are but returning to the earth, our bed.

    So worry not about dying, for it is not in our hands,
    But in living, let us make the most of our sands.
    Live fully, love deeply, and leave a lasting mark,
    For in that, we will have truly lived, in the end, hark!

    Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH

  35. #285
    Dewdrop on a leaf,
    A glistening pearl of the morning,
    Nature's own gemstone.

    A symbol of purity,
    A reminder of the fleeting,
    A beauty that is brief.

    It clings to the green,
    A reflection of the sky,
    A mirror of the world.

    It sparkles in the sun,
    A dance of light and shadow,
    A symphony of form.

    It drips to the ground,
    A journey to the earth below,
    A return to the source.

    It joins the rivers flow,
    A part of the great cycle,
    A link in the chain of life.

    In this dewdrop, we see
    The wonder of existence,
    The mystery of being.

    So let us take a moment,
    To appreciate this small thing,
    And in doing so, find peace.

    Dewdrop on a leaf,
    A glistening pearl of the morning,
    Nature's own gemstone.

    Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH

  36. #286
    Consider Another Point of View

    Consider another point of view,
    Even if it's not the one you choose,
    For in its consideration,
    A deeper understanding we'll muse.

    As an open-minded Zen student true,
    We must be open to different ways,
    For in their examination,
    Greater wisdom and understanding stays.

    Critical thinking it does encourage,
    Forces us to evaluate and see,
    Bringing us closer to the truth,
    As our biases and assumptions flee.

    Different perspectives we must bear,
    To develop empathy and care,
    For all beings and their plight,
    In compassion, let us share.

    So advocate for another point of view,
    For it promotes a more informed mind,
    And in this open-mindedness,
    Let wisdom and understanding bind.

    Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH

  37. #287
    Jishin, good morning! I do like "I do not like poetry..." You have a way with words Jishin, try your hand at some open forms? I too have written closed couplets. There are critics who claim the free verse forms are the only remaining forms, and as I like Eliot and Wallace Stevens, some of this may be true. I like very much the play and writing
    with verses
    That you compose.
    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-26-2023 at 01:32 PM. Reason: line. word
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  38. #288
    Newspaper Route

    My morning today,
    With Orange Spiced Tea,
    Wheat cereal, with milk,
    Chocolate protein drink,

    Warmed and today hot
    My stomach, my taste
    I enjoyed sweet, and spiced,
    Applesauce with cinnamon.

    I remembered mother's buttermilk
    Pancakes with homemade maple syrup,
    Brother asking for shapes of cakes
    Together our seldom breakfasts.

    We gathered, mom, Dougie, and me.
    Then I had walked several miles
    Delivering newspapers to Corcoran's,
    For Mike their two bedroom house
    Shared one room with brother Donald,

    No better than our one room, snow
    On the ground, Temple of Worldly
    Hughes. I warmed myself in corduroy
    Coat I bought with money
    Earned grooming cattle

    At Iowa State Fair, the second
    Largest behind Texas State Fair.
    This special morning as these holidays
    Screeched weeks away from school,
    Which I had finally learned to love.

    sat/ lah
    Tai Shi
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  39. #289
    I really, really like "Consider Another Point of View."
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  40. #290
    James Vincent Tate (December 8, 1943 – July 8, 2015) was an American poet. His work earned him the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. He was a professor of English at the University of Massachusetts Amherst[1][2][3] and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters.

    Tate was born in Kansas City, Missouri, where he lived with his mother and his grandparents in his grandparents' house. His father, a pilot in World War II, had died in combat on April 11, 1944, before Tate was a year old. Tate and his mother moved out after seven years when she remarried. The eventual poet said he belonged to a gang in high school and had little interest in literature. He planned on being a gas station attendant as his uncle had been, but finding that his friends to his surprise were going to college, he applied to Kansas State College of Pittsburg (now Pittsburg State University) in 1961. Tate wrote his first poem a few months into college with no external motivation; he observed that poetry "became a private place that I was hugely drawn to, where I could let my daydreams—and my pain—come in completely disguised. I knew from the moment I started writing that I never wanted to be writing about my life."[4] In college he read Wallace Stevens and William Carlos Williams and was "in heaven". He received his B.A. in 1965, going on to earn his M.F.A. from the University of Iowa's famed Writer's Workshop. During this period he was finally exposed to fellow poets and he became interested in surrealism, reading Max Jacob, Robert Desnos, and André Breton; for Benjamin Péret he expressed particular affection. Of poets writing in Spanish, César Vallejo "destroyed" him but he was not so taken by the lyricism or romanticism of Pablo Neruda or Federico García Lorca.

    He was married to Dara Wier. Tate died on July 8, 2015 at the age of 71.[5]

    From Wikipedia, "Talk"
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  41. #291
    The Treeleaf Sangha, now online we find,
    A virtual community, connecting minds.
    Through screens and wires, we come together,
    To sit in silence, now or whenever.

    With every breath, we let go of our fears,
    With every click, we enter the present here.
    No longer bound by distance or time,
    We find true connection in this online climb.

    We share our thoughts and stories, near and far,
    And find in others, a reflection of who we are.
    We laugh and cry, and learn to be at peace,
    In this online sanctuary, we find release.

    Though screens may separate, our hearts remain as one,
    In the Treeleaf Sangha, true freedom is won.
    Our virtual zendo, a place to heal,
    Where mind and body find a sense of real.

    A space for growth, for learning, for change,
    Where we can find a new range.
    So let us join, in this digital space,
    And find true peace, in the Treeleaf Sangha's grace.

    Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH

  42. #292
    For me, I have worked to allow, as Tate did, my keyboard to follow where his pen lead him in a manner of free verse to see where my thoughts might take me and I usually compose where I am as I have done with my poetry since I was 16, and now I am 71. I enjoy all of you.
    Tai Shi
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  43. #293
    As i wrote in simple
    Dignified praise from beginning
    Of our verse wringing
    As is this back not
    Supporting today without pain
    The advent of my pain
    Curse me disease bones
    Into my back, neck
    Sacrum, Ankylosing
    Spondylitis breaks
    My Eyes, my every step,
    Even as I sit crooked,
    Invisible to much,
    To most I am but figure
    Straight, Amen.
    Pain again, again.

    sat/ lah
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 01-30-2023 at 03:19 PM. Reason: one letter.
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  44. #294
    I read Every Poem

    It is but 4:58 a.m.
    My heart take wing
    Friends this for you
    I sit daily for Friends,
    Family, Dear friends
    Of Unitarian Universalist
    Seeking their own right
    Spirituality, regarding
    Unconditional as woman
    For man and man, woman
    For woman, man for woman
    As the Tathagata spoke
    Loving Kindness one
    For many, many for one
    An one for one, loving
    Self actualized. One seeks
    As parents taught mirror
    Behavior as the Buddha
    Taught Love or Jesus,
    To Kind parents, give
    As mother would give
    Also father hurts
    Same in regard always
    Child's operation father
    Deep in the brain
    Does not walks not
    Simple as not desire
    Desire so straight to doctor
    For his child I did
    Seek in solitude weep
    There winter, done
    With others love each
    Other as in our marriage
    When now we seek, my
    Best Friend, frail two
    Years, bab cry not
    Removed not AVM
    Not relive, Karl Rogers
    Sought to show child
    Learns in more ways
    Understanding love
    Dad direction in classes
    Took to literacy priority
    Books stones in soup
    Mom conservation
    Montessori studied child
    Learning in freedom.
    Actualized love never
    Always learned nightly
    In habitation stotrove
    Equanimity, alone,

    Together is their home,
    Beautify those desires
    To make reason never
    Shown and plaything
    Medicine for psychology
    For teacher, I helped
    Girl publish in small
    Magazine understanding
    My Little Book of Poetry
    Another wishful in dreams
    Her notebook of silent need
    On Yellow mountain, letter
    Becomining bright Marge
    Chuck way to Peace.
    Child of Loving-kindness.

    Deep Bows`
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  45. #295
    Rhyme for There are No Words.

    The empty space is
    Not his bonded
    Pain that she takes
    in spite of his rigid
    Spine that makes it hard

    For her to sleep. He takes
    Her when she is so sweet
    They are hard together
    They love with joy

    So Deep, she is not
    Coffee, his is not chocolate
    Chips their is soft marriage Bed
    Though as old people

    They could not sleep, bower
    Never had been bliss, but prejudice
    Because she loved so deep
    Breath She never said “I love you?”

    Yet In a billion ways She caressed
    his head,
    She touches his hand
    What they will do
    When they are gone,

    And probably down the aisle,
    It was their tears, that she had
    They loved each other forever
    No smile he was his or hers

    Always his own best man
    As be what she sought
    His love with depth, Which he
    Would not behold

    She could not hold,
    Unless just the two
    Of of them never leave,
    Time eternally to be

    She saw at three a.m.
    When the brain surgeon
    Took away part of his skull,
    She could not know

    What to expect
    Would she would find
    An empty shell,
    Or an Imbecile,

    All that she could do
    Was Watch him talk
    What she had found
    Was brilliant poet always

    Writing songs about her,
    His steadfast light
    Shining through blue eyes
    Her eyes. both of them

    She was not blind,
    Her man she realized talked
    He saved their lives
    More than once

    Driving through deepest black
    Pouring rain blinding night
    The adventure in stratified
    Rock where prejudice

    Hate, and despair ruled education
    Desperate with an iron fist.
    They left to found their child
    A home in South Dakota

    All alone, their intellect
    For little one their Fulbright scholar
    They gave all to go away
    To make alternative books

    For little one's mom worked
    Quietly to find father proud.
    Then they had so much
    That they would keep

    Each other warm
    Until the rainbow melt
    In paradise
    They would keep
    Earth until death

    Which slept separately eternal
    in brilliant bed of flowers
    Near the stone marker
    Never read or left

    To have, or hold
    Until darkness take
    One of them went home
    Two follow in their

    Own Karma
    Some salvation in books,
    Melting deeds. Some ideas,

    Had to be deep.
    They tried to keep
    Their warmth
    Neighbors never really slept.

    There was no grave stone
    As they will wept
    There was only fevrid bow,
    No death because in peace.

    At last all reality
    As in depth forever dust
    In the soil, toiled never
    To trust every sentient
    Being could rise

    Rectifying their steadfast
    Reconciliation their fright
    Forever deep in stars,
    Galaxies exploding

    Leaving nothing, but supper
    Nova, flying atoms
    As sparks of life
    Into universal dark.

    Freedom forever
    Found in space.

    Tai Shi
    Charles E Taylor
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 02-06-2023 at 04:21 PM. Reason: Line break
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  46. #296
    I would support all of you your verses here do write everyone for I am just a guy, and I have loved poetry since a young teenager, and I have my first poetry upon my bookshelf and the first books I ever bought, a book of Modern Poetry and The Little Book of British Poetry, then found Walt Whitman who could not spell every word, Emily Dickinson who in mental shut down, found death comforting, at one time my universal love lost, found again without left hand, never fully useful again, now at 71 I am typing two fingers, left and right, what miracles come with removal of deadly brain tumor there since birth Kyousui retired nurse, always there on the phone for me neither of us in old age willing to drive the 70 miles. He is 73, I am 71, and at 70 he saved my life on the phone, saying to my wife "Get him to the ER I think it is a stroke!" and many times before in ER with seizure misdiagnosed with chronic pain though it was present, Kyousui convinced my Marjorie, to get my brain to ER and stroke examination last angiogram there it was, big in my Right Temporal Lobe of my brain, and two had saved my life Kyousui, and Marjorie doctors found AVM rare tumor one or two out of two hundred and fifty thousand, rarity usually killed or maimed patient on October 29, 2020 cold morning 5:00 into preparation paper gown ripped of body cooling down to less body temperature, so great young man could save this old man for his family, and today bright writing books of poetry, loving kindness found in his personality. Life for his Marjorie to see this miracle of change this tumor blocking so anything to change blaring pain from arthritis and brain tumor called AVM this given over to new personality, loving kindness, never now blocking love and malible poetry never dark again filled with life eternal knowing planets throughout Milky Way Galaxy there billion time trillion galaxies more even in this universe free all sentient beings job of Kyousui and Marjorie, to bestow loving kindness before one man feeling young can write many poems filled with identity and reality of unfathomable stars populations of begins with intelligence can peacefully be examples to humanity, we will make it to stars one day as dust of and in reality free all sentient beings, and that means all of us writing something like AVM in the brain, many sick human beings, and doctors vowed to give life to everyone this to do in some or all and the nurses like Kyousui dedicated to life, clean linens as voting women teach humanity to be all of us black and every shade of brown that even those claiming white ar really a shade of brown pigments softer for being where they raise young to know they are susceptible to AVM tumors dumping CO 2 into arteries shifting of 0 2 oxygen life to brain cells, now Tai Shi has new without the great fear he once did have, renewed vows of love to Marjorie till death do they part to reunite in Galaxy of Love and without fear in Star Dust to both spend eternity in peace and harmony. Please all of you like this old man find your spaces here in these catalogues beauty for all to see, invited all of you free all sentient beings bring together your love and serenity ever like Tai Shi camp poetry here as he has found for all of you please please, fo I am just a guy dwelling not in Ancient History of that old personality formed reality self actualized you may do the same, very soon in fifteen years or so writing books of poetry like Jishin all of you invited any verses you may find here this lovely greatest book of our Zendo which someday Jundo will publish as example of beauty and wisdom, thoughts, and community what the Buddha taught as foundation of all life everywhere you please come and write something beautiful all are welcome because all of you have a story real to unfold here for our posterity. Come all of you invited by Tai Shi just a guy who lived to find harmony, do are the universal harmony please come and tell how you are finding every kind of family here in our Zendo or Interbing of hundreds of groups find path like Treeleaf Jundo's genius of people where peace reigns built by Jundo who will find and publish all of you like me just a person like everybody, all humanity do come all of you. I end for now to return and like Jishin watch the genius of community...

    Deep bows
    To all of you
    sat/ lah
    lend a hand to all of you
    Do come to write
    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 03-11-2023 at 04:27 PM.
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  47. #297
    I have always said you are all welcome to write here. Anything goes, and we have had all manner of poetry written here, people from every direction in our Zendo, supported always by myself and all he writers here, sometimes working out of difficult emotions, and proceeding in a Zen way the realizations of a lifetime, and through every kind of handicap, and tragedy, including every family, and health crisis, and the bitter sweet, and the calibration of great beauty, and the working out of the Precepts, and the understanding of life and death, the realization that old habits can die, and the reaching out for others. Going it alone is not the answer, and here you or anyone may put into words your situations of life and death and beauty in spite of any terrifying and deadly situations, and may here also write of the beauty and subtleties of life. You are invited to try your hand at poetry of any kind, so please come all of you and put your thoughts and feeling here, to make something terrifying and beautiful for truth is beauty, and beauty is truth. Poetry is the overflow of powerful emotion recollected in tranquility. Please do not stay away for there is no level of writing rejected and all are welcome. Put keystrokes here, please.
    Sincere help offered to all.
    Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 03-11-2023 at 04:29 PM.
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  48. #298
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "Panda" and "Panda bear" redirect here. For the red panda, see red panda. For other uses, see Panda (disambiguation), Giant panda (disambiguation), and Panda Bear (musician).
    Giant panda
    Grosser Panda.JPG
    Giant panda at the Ocean Park Hong Kong
    Conservation status

    Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1)[1]
    CITES Appendix I (CITES)[1]
    Scientific classificationedit
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Mammalia
    Order: Carnivora
    Family: Ursidae
    Genus: Ailuropoda
    Species: A. melanoleuca
    Binomial name
    Ailuropoda melanoleuca
    David, 1869[2]
    †A. m. hastorni
    A. m. melanoleuca
    A. m. qinlingensis
    Mapa distribuicao Ailuropoda melanoleuca.png
    Giant panda range
    Giant panda
    Panda (Chinese characters).svg
    "Panda" in Traditional (top) and Simplified (bottom) Chinese characters[3]
    Traditional Chinese 熊貓
    Simplified Chinese 熊猫
    Literal meaning "bear cat"

    Alternative Chinese name
    Traditional Chinese 貓熊
    Simplified Chinese 猫熊
    Literal meaning "cat bear"

    The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca, sometimes panda bear or simply panda) is a bear species endemic to China.[4] It is characterised by its bold black-and-white coat and rotund body. The name "giant panda" is sometimes used to distinguish it from the red panda, a neighboring musteloid. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, the giant panda is a folivore, with bamboo shoots and leaves making up more than 99% of its diet.[5] Giant pandas in the wild occasionally eat other grasses, wild tubers, or even meat in the form of birds, rodents, or carrion. In captivity, they may receive honey, eggs, fish, yams, shrub leaves, oranges, or bananas along with specially prepared food.[6][7]

    The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan, and also in neighbouring Shaanxi and Gansu.[8] As a result of farming, deforestation, and other development, the giant panda has been driven out of the lowland areas where it once lived, and it is a conservation-reliant vulnerable species.[9][10] A 2007 report showed 239 pandas living in captivity inside China and another 27 outside the country.[11] By December 2014, 49 giant pandas lived in captivity outside China, living in 18 zoos in 13 countries.[12] Wild population estimates vary; one estimate shows that there are about 1,590 individuals living in the wild,[11] while a 2006 study via DNA analysis estimated that this figure could be as high as 2,000 to 3,000.[13] Some reports also show that the number of giant pandas in the wild is on the rise.[14] By March 2015, the wild giant panda population had increased to 1,864 individuals.[15] In 2016, it was reclassified on the IUCN Red List from "endangered" to "vulnerable",[1] affirming decade-long efforts to save the panda. In July 2021, Chinese authorities also reclassified the giant panda as vulnerable.[16]

    The giant panda has often served as China's national symbol, appeared on Chinese Gold Panda coins since 1982 and as one of the five Fuwa mascots of the 2008 Summer Olympics.

    Today in the US it is National Panda Day!

    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  49. #299
    March Birds

    I sat quietly like song,
    Song of morning bell
    Bell that rings us in,
    Shikantaza whiteout
    Within, cold rain
    March wind rings everness,
    Sometimes with snow,
    Sometimes with wing,
    Of birds come back
    Wings slack before wind,
    Before rain, before change.

    Last edited by Tai Shi; 03-22-2023 at 11:46 AM. Reason: punctuation
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  50. #300
    Saga of the Brain

    This is AVM removed,
    Arteries restore
    Oxygen restored,
    Right temporal Lobe
    Of brain, this is
    Altoger science not
    Sitting miracle.
    Resilient is my brain
    Noteworthy is addition
    Of inhaler bring added
    Oxygen again and again
    Even so released narcotic,
    No longer present
    In my brain, added
    High blood medication

    Mine is deep breathing
    Oxygen again and again
    Thinking language
    Of this center so breath
    Of Language creativity!
    This is science, not men
    Of God, not deity
    This is aadvance
    Noted by my wife
    My Marjorie sees
    This change is no
    Game or luck or
    Systematic artesian
    Water, well of life, elixir
    Of life, not magic
    But brain compensating
    On Left Side hemisphere
    Resiniancy, compensating
    Vital organ is the brain.

    Sustain normal man
    Estimate full health
    Eighteen months
    After operation, mind
    With matter, understands
    Why breathing not zazen
    Releases essential
    Molecules of O2, O2
    Doubly bound science
    Not supertician
    Not magic not at this
    Now, living in the now,

    No mistake medicine
    Brings forth healing
    As vital neural
    Transmitter of pain centers
    The communication
    Interstitial regained.
    Mine is the recipient
    Of helpful CBT, cognitive
    Behavioral Health
    Hospital and Avera
    Hospital opening
    The hand of health.

    More science as
    Gastro intestinal
    Passage way opened
    Blood cancer on hold
    Never will only these
    Anticoagulants stopping
    Stroke, with lessening
    Causes of heart attack
    Cholesterol removed
    With statin. It is brain again
    More chemistry
    No two carcinomas
    iN foot bones, leg wound,
    Explaining inflammation
    Reasons for bone
    Marrow biopsy negative
    Nothing to explain
    Nothing there, bone
    Free to produce
    Healthy red blood
    Cells, but Ankylosing
    Spondylitis horrible
    Deuteriations of spine
    Not assigning bad and good.

    Neck and lower back
    Right eye, lungs, filled
    With smoke in ancient
    Days, clogged lower
    Right lobe of lungs
    This is damage done
    By joining academia
    The Academy of Scholar
    Exploded in hypocrisy
    Wives of professors
    Selling cigarettes
    To college students
    To unsuspecting
    Students unaware
    Their Jokes, all destroyed
    For livelihood, lies
    Of the mortified Attorney
    General's Report, cigarettes
    Tobacco leading to death
    Nothing given nothing
    Gained ironically
    Words of King Lear,

    Shakespeare immortal
    Found deaths demands
    Daughter of truth
    Cordelia, so would
    Not say I love you
    Above all else, all sisters
    Countenance other women
    True, or just another lie
    Like my brother's life.
    Father if you say
    You love us equally
    You must follow through
    Because, our own Laurel
    Daughter and brother
    Robert Douglas, and
    Grandson Ian only
    Asking that you be
    Not like Lear not
    Like Cordelia not like
    Sisters have no truth,
    No daughters of yours,
    Look even your recipient
    Of medicine, removal.
    Look, it's not magic,
    Or prayer of God himself.

    We know what you deny
    Science, chemistry,
    Brain, muscle, intestines
    Without tumors, and you
    Won't see as you prepare
    For death, we believe John
    Lennon said no Heaven
    No Hell, only sky, above,
    Earth below. I know

    Buddha rightly touched earth
    Looked, ask morning sky
    Found planet he didn't
    Know what thought was
    Star significant. now
    We know, faculty as you
    Were were wrong,
    Buddha not assuming
    Planet or star. now I believe
    He had heaven riight, memory,
    My song could go on and on.
    Let us stop here knowing
    Ancient fallacies, killer
    Death, not science
    Now we know, and shall
    Know more serenity,
    Know what we live.

    CET/Tai Shi
    Last edited by Tai Shi; 03-24-2023 at 03:27 PM.
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

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