WELCOME ...

    ... to our TREELEAF 'AT HOME' Two Day 'ALL ONLINE' ROHATSU (Buddha's Enlightenment Day) RETREAT, being held by LIVE NETCAST on Saturday/Sunday December 8 and 9, 2012.

    Please 'sit-a-long' with the LIVE NETCAST at the times below ... to be visible at the below links to GOOGLE+ during those hours ...

    HOWEVER, you may still join the Retreat and sit-a-long at ANY AND ALL TIME after, by the real time recorded version at the links below (no different from the original!).

    The full sitting schedule is below, and you may download our CHANT BOOK HERE(LINK to PDF).

    and please review the various RETREAT POINTERS HERE(LINK to PDF).

    Recordings of each segment are posted below in time order ... and if we drop from mind all thought of 'now' 'then' 'here' and 'there' ... we will all be sitting together right when and where you are!

    This Retreat celebrates the 'official' closure of our ANGO (90 day Special Practice Season) at Treeleaf, is a part of current preparations for our JUKAI (Undertaking the Precepts) Ceremony in January, and marks ROHATSU ... the traditional holiday in Japan celebrating the time of the Buddha's Enlightenment.

    Jundo will be guiding the first day of sitting on Saturday, and Taigu on Sunday.

    In case of technical problems, please just go along as best you can with the schedule ... we sit with "what is".. .

    OF COURSE, EVERYTHING IN MODERATION ... if the sitting ever feels too much, be sure to walk lots and lots of Kinhin (even if during a sitting period). And if the whole retreat becomes too much, or you feel ill, you may slow down ... , spread things out, shorten the sittings ... or STOP! Be sure that you have someone close by whom you can call, or who can check on you from time to time. If there is any question about health, do not take any chances!

    Please write and let us know how it goes. Gassho, Jundo & Taigu


    DAY 1 UNIT 1
    (Live Netcast: Start = FRIDAY NY 4pm London 9pm / End = FRIDAY NY 7:05pm, London 12:05am)

    DAY 1
    06:00-06:50 AM Entrance by Officiant (Jundo) & Zazen. If you usually wear a Rakusu, DO NOT wear it yet (keep it in its bag) until Takkesage (Kesa Verse) later in morning.
    06:50-07:00 Kinhin* (All Kinhin times can be bathroom break)
    07:00-07:35 Zazen
    07:35-07:45 Kinhin

    07:45-08:25 Zazen + Kesa Verse
    08:25-09:05 "Long" Service.Please follow along in the Sutra Books that will be provided. Floor prostrations when hear ching-ching-ching-ching- ching roll of bell.
    09:05-09:20 REST PERIOD

    Unit 1-1

    DAY 1 UNIT 2
    (Live Netcast: Start=FRIDAY NY 7:20pm London SATURDAY 12:20am /End=SUNDAY NY 7:50pm, SATURDAY London 12:50am)

    09:20-09:50 Oryoki Bring you bowls and small table before start.
    09:50-10:30 Samu/Rest Period Mindfully wash and repack Oryoki bowls.

    Unit 1-2 Oryoki

    DAY 1 UNIT 3
    (Live Netcast: Start=FRIDAY NY 8:30pm London SATURDAY 1:30am /End=FRIDAY NY 10:45pm, SATURDAY London 3:45am)

    10:30-11:10 Zazen
    11:10-11:20 Kinhin
    11:20-12:00 Zazen &Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra

    12:00-12:10 Kinhin
    12:10-12:45 Zazen
    12:45-13:10 REST PERIOD

    Unit 1-3

    DAY 1 UNIT 4
    (Live Netcast: Start=FRIDAY NY 11:10pm London SATURDAY 4:10am /End=FRIDAY NY 11:40pm, SATURDAY London 4:40am)

    13:10-13:40 Oryoki Bring you bowls and small table before start.
    13:40-14:30 Samu/Rest Period Mindfully wash and repack Oryoki bowls.

    Unit 1-4 Oryoki


    DAY 1 UNIT 5
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 12:30am London 5:30am /End=SATURDAY NY 1:30am, London 6:30am)

    14:30-15:00 Samu Work Practice Indoor if night time, Outdoor if daytime and possible
    15:00-16:00 REST PERIOD

    1-5 Samu

    DAY 1 UNIT 6
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 2:00am London 7:00am /End=SATURDAY NY 4:25am, London 9:25am)

    16:00-16:40 Zazen
    16:40-16:50 Kinhin
    16:50-17:40 Zazen & Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra

    17:40-17:50 Kinhin
    17:50-18:25 Zazen
    18:25-19:00 REST PERIOD

    Unit 1-6

    DAY 1 UNIT 7
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 5:00am London 10:00am /End=SATURDAY NY 5:30am, London 10:30am)

    19:00-19:30 Samu Work Practice Indoor if night time, Outdoor if daytime and possible
    19:30-20:00 REST PERIOD

    Unit 1-7 Samu


    DAY 1 UNIT 8
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 6:00am London 11:00am /End=SATURDAY NY 8:30am, London 1:30pm)

    20:00-20:50 "Short" Service & Zazen Please follow along in the Sutra Books that will be provided. Floor prostrations when here ching-ching-ching-ching- ching roll of bell.
    20:50-21:00 Kinhin

    21:00-21:40 Zazen &Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra
    21:40-21:50 Kinhin
    21:50-22:30 Metta Chant & Zazen Close with Verse of Atonement & Four Vows



    DAY 1 UNIT 9
    ( No Live Netcast from SATURDAY NY 8:30am London 1:30pm to NY 4:00pm, London 9:00pm)

    (Optional: Waza = Tradition of 'All Night Zazen' ... but we recommend you sleep instead.
    See you in the morning)

    22:30 PM-
    (Day 2)
    05:30 AM



    DAY 2 UNIT 1
    (Live Netcast: Start = SATURDAY NY 4pm London 9pm / End = SATURDAY NY 6:55pm, London 11:55pm)

    06:00-06:40 AM Zazen Begin sitting without instruction. If you usually wear a Rakusu, DO NOT wear it yet (keep it in its bag) until Takkesage (Kesa Verse) later in morning.
    06:40-07:00 Long (20 minute) Kinhin*
    07:00-07:35 Zazen
    07:35-07:45 Kinhin

    07:45-08:25 Zazen + Kesa Verse When instructed, place on Kesa and recite Kesa Verse. All others, hands in Gassho.
    08:25-08:55 "Long" Service Please follow along in the Sutra Books that will be provided. Floor prostrations when hear ching-ching-ching-ching- ching roll of bell.
    08:55-09:20 REST PERIOD

    Unit 2-1

    DAY 2 UNIT 2
    (Live Netcast:Start=SATURDAY NY 7:20pm London SUNDAY 12:20am/End=SATURDAY NY 7:50pm, SUNDAY London 12:50am)

    09:20-09:50 Oryoki Bring you bowls and small table before start.
    09:50-10:30 Samu/Rest Period Mindfully wash and repack Oryoki bowls.

    Unit 2-2 Oryoki

    DAY 2 UNIT 3
    (Live Netcast: Start=SATURDAY NY 8:30pm London SUNDAY 1:30am/End=SATURDAY NY 10:45pm, SUNDAY London 3:45am)

    10:30-11:10 Zazen
    11:10-11:20 Kinhin
    11:20-12:00 Zazen & Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra

    12:00-12:10 Kinhin
    12:10-12:45 Zazen
    12:45-13:10 REST PERIOD

    Unit 2-3


    DAY 2 UNIT 4
    (Live Netcast:Start=SATURDAY NY 11:10pm London SUNDAY 4:10am/End=SATURDAY NY 11:40pm, SUNDAY London 4:40am)

    13:10-13:40 Oryoki Bring you bowls and small table before start.
    13:40-14:30 Samu/Rest Period Mindfully wash and repack Oryoki bowls.

    Unit 2-4 Oryoki

    DAY 2 UNIT 5
    (Live Netcast: Start=SUNDAY NY 12:30am London 5:30am /End=SUNDAY NY 1:30am, London 6:30am)

    14:30-15:30 Samu Work Practice Indoor if night time, Outdoor if daytime and possible
    15:30-16:00 REST PERIOD

    Unit 2-5 Samu

    DAY 2 UNIT 6
    (Live Netcast: Start=SUNDAY NY 2:00am London 7:00am /End=SUNDAY NY 4:00 am, London 9:00am)

    16:00-16:40 Zazen
    16:40-16:50 Kinhin
    16:50-17:20 Zazen & Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra

    17:20-17:30 Kinhin
    17:30-18:00 Zazen
    18:00-19:00 REST PERIOD

    Unit 2-6

    DAY 2 UNIT 7
    (Live Netcast: Start=SUNDAY NY 5:00am London 10:00am /End=SUNDAY NY 7:30am, London 12:30pm)

    19:00-19:50 "Short" Service & Zazen Please follow along in the Sutra Books that will be provided. Floor prostrations when here ching-ching-ching-ching- ching roll of bell.
    19:50-20:00 Kinhin
    20:00-20:40 Zazen & Dharma Talk Chant Gatha on Opening & Closing Sutra
    20:40-20:50 Kinhin
    20:50-21:20 Fukanzazengi & Zazen
    21:20-21:30 Verse of Atonement & Four Vows ... Closing Words ...

    Unit 2-7

    Nine Bows to All Who Sat This Retreat Together ...

    This article was originally published in forum thread: TREELEAF SANGHA online 2-DAY ANGO-JUKAI-ROHATSU RETREAT -- 2012 -- started by Jundo View original post
    Comments 61 Comments
    1. Jundo's Avatar
      Jundo -

      For Dharma Talks by Jundo during the first day of Retreat, we will be dancing with the following. Please be sure to print these and place them with you.

      Shōbōgenzō Zanmai-ō-zanmai
      The Samādhi That Is the King of Samādhis

      (Translation by Gudo Nishijima & Chodo Cross)

      Translator’s Note: Zanmai is the Japanese pronunciation of the phonetic
      rendering in Chinese of the Sanskrit word “samādhi,” which means the state
      in zazen; that is, the balanced state of body and mind. Ō means “king.” We
      can consider that there are many kinds of samādhi in our daily lives. However,
      according to Buddhist theory the most important and best samādhi is
      just the samādhi that we can experience in zazen. Therefore, we call the state
      in zazen “the king of samādhis.” In this chapter, Master Dōgen explains what
      zazen is, and so he chose the title Zanmai-ō-zanmai, “The Samādhi That Is
      the King of Samādhis.”

      [231] To transcend the whole universe at once, to live a great and valuable
      life in the house of the Buddhist patriarchs, is to sit in the full lotus posture.
      To tread over the heads of non-Buddhists and demons; to become, in the inner
      sanctum of the Buddhist patriarchs, a person in the concrete state, is to sit in
      the full lotus posture. To transcend the supremacy of the Buddhist patriarchs’
      supremacy, there is only this one method. Therefore, Buddhist patriarchs practice
      it solely, having no other practices at all. Remember, the universe in sitting
      is far different from other universes. Clearly understanding this truth,
      Buddhist patriarchs pursue and realize the establishment of the will, training,
      the state of bodhi, and nirvana. Just in the moment of sitting, investigate
      whether the universe is vertical, and whether it is horizontal. Just in the moment
      of sitting, what is the sitting itself? Is it a somersault? Is it a state of vigorous
      activity? Is it thinking? Is it beyond thinking? Is it doing something? Is it not
      doing anything? Is it sitting inside of sitting? Is it sitting inside of the bodymind?
      Is it sitting that is free of “the inside of sitting,” “the inside of the bodymind,”
      and so on? There should be investigation of thousands and tens of
      thousands of points like these. Sit in the full lotus posture with the body. Sit
      in the full lotus posture with the mind. Sit in the full lotus posture being free
      of body and mind.

      [233] My late master, the eternal buddha, says, “To practice [za]zen is
      to get free of body and mind. Just to sit is to have attainment from the beginning.
      It is not necessary to burn incense, to do prostrations, to recite the
      Buddha’s name, to confess, or to read sutras.”

      Clearly, in the last four or five hundred years, only one person, my late
      master, has scooped out the Eye of the Buddhist Patriarch and sat inside the
      Eye of the Buddhist Patriarch; few people have equaled him, even in China.
      Very few people realize that the act of sitting is the Buddha-Dharma and that
      the Buddha-Dharma is the act of sitting. Even if some physically understand
      sitting to be the Buddha-Dharma, none has realized sitting as sitting. How
      then can any be maintaining and relying upon the Buddha-Dharma as the
      Buddha-Dharma? This being so, there is sitting with the mind, which is not
      the same as sitting with the body. There is sitting with the body, which is not
      the same as sitting with the mind. And there is sitting that is free of body and
      mind, which is not the same as “sitting that is free of body and mind.” Already
      to have attained the state like this is the Buddhist patriarchs’ state in which
      practice and understanding are in mutual accord. Maintain and rely upon this
      awareness, thought, reflection. Investigate this mind, will, consciousness.

      [235] Śākyamuni Buddha addresses a large assembly: “If we sit in the
      full lotus posture, the body-mind will experience samādhi, and many
      people will revere the dignity and virtue of the state. Like the sun lighting
      up the world, it clears away sleepy, lazy, and melancholy mind.
      The body is light and tireless. Perception and consciousness are also
      light and responsive. We should sit like coiled dragons. On seeing just
      a picture of the lotus posture, even the king of demons is afraid. How
      much more so if he sees a person really experiencing the state of truth,
      sitting without inclination or agitation?

      Thus, on seeing a picture of the lotus posture, even the king of demons
      is surprised, worried, and afraid. Still more, when we really sit in the lotus
      posture, the virtue is beyond imagination. In short, the happiness and virtue
      of everyday sitting are limitless.

      [236] Śākyamuni Buddha addresses a large assembly: “This is why we
      sit in the full lotus posture.” Then the Tathāgata, the World-honored
      One, teaches his disciples that they should sit like this. Sometimes non-
      Buddhists pursue the truth by continuously standing on tiptoes, sometimes
      they pursue the truth by continuously standing up, and sometimes
      they pursue the truth by carrying the legs on the shoulders. Mad and
      obstinate mind like this sinks into the sea of wrongness, and the body
      is not peaceful. For this reason, the Buddha teaches his disciples to sit
      in the full lotus posture, sitting with the mind upright. Why? [Because]
      if the body is upright, the mind is easily set right. When the body sits
      upright, the mind is not weary, the mind is regulated, the intention is
      right, and the attention is bound to what is immediately present. If the
      mind races or becomes distracted and if the body leans or becomes agitated,
      [sitting upright] regulates them and causes them to recover. When
      we want to experience samādhi and want to enter samādhi, even if the
      mind is chasing various images and is variously distracted, [sitting
      upright] completely regulates all such states. Practicing like this, we
      experience and enter the samādhi that is king of samādhis.

      [237] Evidently, sitting in the full lotus posture is just the samādhi that
      is king of samādhis, and is just experience and entry. All samādhis are the
      followers of this, the king of samādhis. To sit in the full lotus posture is to
      set the body straight, to set the mind straight, to set the body-mind straight,
      to set Buddhist patriarchs straight, to set practice and experience straight, to
      set the brain straight, and to set the life-blood straight. Now, sitting our human
      skin, flesh, bones, and marrow in the full lotus posture, we sit the samādhi
      that is king among samādhis in the full lotus posture. The World-honored
      One is constantly maintaining and relying upon the practice of sitting in the
      full lotus posture. He authentically transmits the practice of sitting in the full
      lotus posture to his disciples, and he teaches human beings and gods to sit
      in the full lotus posture. The mind-seal authentically transmitted by the Seven
      Buddhas is just this. Under the bodhi tree Śākyamuni Buddha passes fifty
      minor kalpas, passes sixty kalpas, and passes countless kalpas, sitting in the
      lotus posture. Sitting in the full lotus posture for three weeks, or sitting for
      hours, is the turning of the splendid Dharma wheel, and is the lifelong teaching
      of the Buddha. It lacks nothing. It is just a yellow scroll on a red stick.
      The meeting of Buddha with Buddha is this moment. This is just the time
      when living beings become buddha.

      [239] The First Patriarch, Venerable Bodhidharma, after arriving from
      the west, passed nine years facing the wall at Shōrinji on Shōshitsuhō in the
      Sūgaku Mountains, sitting in zazen in the lotus posture. From that time
      through to today, brains and eyes have pervaded China. The lifeblood of the
      First Patriarch is only the practice of sitting in the full lotus posture. Before
      the First Patriarch came from the west the people of Eastern Lands never
      knew sitting in the full lotus posture. Since the ancestral master came from
      the west they have known it. This being so, just to sit in the lotus posture,
      day and night, from the beginning to the end of this life, and for tens of thousands
      of lives, without leaving the temple grounds and without having any
      other practices, is the samādhi that is the king of samādhis.

      Shōbōgenzō Zanmai-ō-zanmai
      Preached to the assembly at Kippō Temple in
      Etsu district, on the fifteenth day of the second
      lunar month in the second year of Kangen


      We will also touch upon ...

      With Commentaries by Bodhidharma and Dogen Zenji

      1. Not Killing. Bodhidarma: Self-nature is subtle and mysterious. In the realm of the everlasting Dharma, not giving rise to the idea of killing is called the Precept of Not Killing. Dogen Zenji: The Buddha seed grows in accordance with not taking life. Transmit the life of Buddha's wisdom and do not kill.

      2. Not Stealing. Bodhidharma: Self-nature is subtle and mysterious. In the realm of the unattainable Dharma, not having thoughts of gaining is called the Precept of Not Stealing. Dogen Zenji: The self and things of the world are just as they are. The gate of emancipation is open.

      3. Not Misusing Sex. Bodhidharma: Self-nature is subtle and mysterious. In the realm of the ungilded Dharma, not creating a veneer of attachment is called the Precept of Not Misusing Sex. Dogen Zenji: The Three Wheels are pure and clear. When you have nothing to desire, you follow the way of all Buddhas.

      4. Not Lying. Bodhidharma: Self-nature is subtle and mysterious. In the realm of the inexplicable Dharma, not preaching a single word is called the Precept of Not Lying. Dogen Zenji: The Dharma Wheel turns from the beginning. There is neither surplus nor lack. The whole universe is moistened with nectar, and the truth is ready to harvest.

      5. Not Giving or Taking Drugs. Bodhidharma: Self-nature is subtle and mysterious. In the realm of the intrinsically pure Dharma, not giving rise to delusions is called the Precept of Not Giving or Taking Drugs. Dogen Zenji: Drugs are not brought in yet. Don't let them invade. That is the great light.

      6. Not Discussing Faults of Others. Bodhidharma: Self-nature is subtle and mysterious. In the realm of the flawless Dharma, nor expounding upon error is called the Precept of Not Speaking of Faults of Others. Dogen Zenji: In the Buddha Dharma, there is one path, one Dharma, one realization, one practice. Don't permit fault-finding. Don't permit haphazard talk.

      7. Not Praising Yourself While Abusing Others. Bodhidharma: Self-nature is subtle and mysterious. In the realm of the equitable Dharma, not dwelling upon I against you is called the Precept of Not Praising Yourself while Abusing Others. Dogen Zenji: Buddhas and Ancestral Teachers realize the empty sky and the great earth. When they manifest the noble body, there is neither inside nor outside in emptiness. When they manifest the Dharma body, there is not even a bit of earth on the ground.

      8. Not Sparing the DharmaAssets. Bodhidharma. Self-nature is subtle and mysterious. In the genuine, all-pervading Dharma, not being stingy about a single thing is called the Precept of Not Sparing the Dharma Assets. Dogen Zenji: One phrase, one verse--that is the ten thousand things and one hundred grasses; one dharma, one realization--that is all Buddhas and Ancestral Teachers. Therefore, from the beginning, there has been no stinginess at all.

      9. Not Indulging in Anger. Bodhidharma: Self-natue is subtle and mysterious. In the realm of the selfless Dharma, not contriving reality for the self is called the Precept of Not Indulging in Anger. Dogen Zenji: Not advancing, not retreating, not real, not empty. There is an ocean of bright clouds. There is an ocean of solemn clouds.

      10. Not Defaming the Three Treasures. Bodhidhrma: Self-nature is subtle and mysterious. In the realm of the One, nor holding nihilistic concepts of ordinary beings and sages is called the Precept of Not Defaming the Three Treasures. Dogen Zenji: The teisho of the actual body is the harbour and the weir. This is the most important thing in the world. Its virtue finds its home in the ocean of essential nature. It is beyond explanation. We just accept it with respect and gratitude.
    1. Taigu's Avatar
      Taigu -
      I will be talking a bit about the chapter of Shobogenzo called Shoji, here it is:

      If the Buddha is within life and death, there is no life and death.

      Then again, if there is no Buddha within life and death, we are not deluded by life and death.

      These are the expressions of Chia-shan and Ting-shan, two Zen masters who walked the way, so their words should not be taken lightly.

      Their meaning must be clearly understood by all those who would free themselves from life and death. If you seek the Buddha outside of life and death, it is like turning the cart to the North and heading for Etsu, or looking South to see the North Star.

      You will gather the cause of life and death more and more - and lose the way to liberation. If you understand that life and death are themselves Nirvana, there is no need for avoiding life and death or seeking Nirvana. Then, for the first time, you will have the possibility to free yourself from life and death.

      Do not fall into the error of thinking that there is a change from life to death. Life is one position of time, and it already has a before and after. So in Buddhism it is said that life itself is no-life. Death is also a position in time, and has a before and after. So it is said that death itself is no-death.

      When it is called life, there is nothing but life. When it is called death, there is nothing but death. If life comes, this is life. If death comes, this is death. There is no reason to try to escape from it, and their is no reason to cling to it either.

      This life and death is the life of the Buddha.

      If you try to throw it away you lose the life of the Buddha. If you cling to it you also lose the life of the Buddha, and you will obstruct the activity of Buddha. When you neither deny nor seek, you are manifesting the mind of the Buddha. But don't try to measure this by your mind. Don't try to explain it by your words. When you let go of your body and mind and forget them completely and you throw yourself into the Buddha's abode, then everything is done from the side of Buddha and you just follow along without effort or anxiety - you break free from life's suffering and are Buddha yourself. How can you then have any hindrance in your mind?

      There is a very easy way to be a Buddha: Do not do any evil. Do not try to cling to life and death but, with deep compassion, work for all beings. Respect your elders and sympathize with those younger. When you do neither deny things nor seek them or think and worry about them - then you are called a buddha. Don't look for anything else.
    1. Jundo's Avatar
      Jundo -
      Our thread for this Rohatsu Retreat is now open! Welcome to all our sitters!

      First, a note. There have been changes in the last day to the time schedule for Units 1-7, 1-8, 1-9 and (just this morning) 2-7. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO NOTE THE NEW TIMES!

      Please do print out the schedule and calculate, based on your own needs and time zone, which sections you can join "Live-Live" and which sections you will join "Live-Recorded" (because we sometimes sit while you are sleeping across the world, while you sit while we sit here in Japan ) or some later time ... all while dropping all thought of here, there, now, then.

      Also, please be sure to download and have with you the passages from Shobogenzo posted above by Taigu and Jundo, which will be the seed for Dharma Talks.

      If you have not done so already, please do watch these little talks on making an "At Home" Oryoki, and on Gatha for our daily ministrations ...




      Please be sure to post greetings below if you will be sitting this Retreat or supporting our sitters (while , I hope, to sit later ).


      Gassho, J
    1. Mp's Avatar
      Mp -
      Wonderful Jundo, thank you.

      I wil be there live Day 1 Unit 1-5, then I will need to get some sleep. I will catch up with Unit 6-8 when the rest of you are enjoying some zzzz.

      Then I will be back live for for Day 2 Unit 1-5, then some sleep and catch up Unit 6-7 when I wake.

      Looking forward to Rohatsu-ing.

    1. Dosho's Avatar
      Dosho -
      I'll be there. My oldest usually gets off the bus just a few minutes before the scheduled start, so if I'm not there right at the beginning that's why.

      Otherwise, I'm in for the duration!

    1. Myozan Kodo's Avatar
      Myozan Kodo -
      Looking forward to sit. Hope to sit late evening sections (GMT) live, that's the very start of the day in Japan. Otherwise I'll be sitting the recorded version. Have my oryoki bowls clean and my Gathas ready to go! Oh yeah, it's only rohatsu but I like it!
    1. Kyonin's Avatar
      Kyonin -
      I will have to sit the recorded version, when the craziness of my December wanes down.

      This is a complex month for me because I have to travel to see my parents and I will go to sesshin to the Mexico City Zen Center for a few days.

      I'll sit Rohatsu until Dec. 27th

      I'll try to sit with you guys tonight, though.


    1. Myoku's Avatar
      Myoku -
      Thank you Jundo, Taigu,
      I'll be there, mostly with the recorded version, but you cant be sure I pop in live ;-)
    1. Rich's Avatar
      Rich -
      This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen practice and I will sit some live this weekend but postpone the bulk of my participation to next weekend.
    1. RichardH's Avatar
      RichardH -
      I will be there for the whole retreat live. Here in the EST it is overnight, which means no grief from my kid over "hogging the wifi". It will be a relief to be together wordlessly.

      Gassho, kojip.
    1. Nenka's Avatar
      Nenka -
      I'll be there Saturday/Sunday my time. Got to get my "basement zendo" cleaned up today and ready.


    1. Hans's Avatar
      Hans -
      Hi folks,

      I'll have to keep our cats some company (they like being in the living room where there's no computer - so I'll move my zafu there for a while), but I'll definitely sit live for a quite a few hours
      both on Saturday and Sunday.

      All the best and gassho,

      Hans Chudo Mongen
    1. Nindo's Avatar
      Nindo -
      Happy Rohatsu & good sitting to all!

      I'll be there for a few periods, but my retreat will be on 16/ 17th.
    1. Seimyo's Avatar
      Seimyo -
      I too am going to make an effort to sit live for at least a portion of the retreat.

      Hope to see everyone there.

    1. Daitetsu's Avatar
      Daitetsu -
      Hi there,

      Family life is keeping me busy this weekend, but I will try to do as much sitting/kinhin as possible.
      However, I am ill at the moment (sinusitis infection) and actually I don't know whether it is good to sit so long and so often as I intend to do. Will find out, I guess.
      Hopefully, I'll find a weekend later this month to do the whole thing...

      Have a great time!


    1. Shohei's Avatar
      Shohei -
      Oh yeah, it's only rohatsu but I like it!

      I have to do this at another date, as my wife has started a new job requiring varied shifts and hours which leaves me in charge with the little ones. My dear parents have been called on all week during this transition and are taking time this weekend to relax (lol read recuperate!).

      I will be in and out when time prermits to catch some live sitting and such but know I will be sitting along!

      I am close to the computer as well for technical support should the need arise too.

      Deep bows to our teachers and to all sitting or will sit this together!

    1. Koshin's Avatar
      Koshin -
      Ready to Roooooohatsu

      If everything goes ok, I will start with you live in a couple of hours

    1. Nengyo's Avatar
      Nengyo -
      My wife is not feeling well today, so I will have to do the retreat during the week. however I will sit live as much as life permits this weekend. I'm sure a little extra zazen never hurt anyone too badly
    1. BrianW's Avatar
      BrianW -
      Been so long since I have been back here to Treeleaf....crazy things happening, but will try to sit as much as possible.
    1. Jundo's Avatar
      Jundo -
      First day, "LONG" morning service ran about 10 minutes over the designated time.