View Full Version : SIT-A-LONG with JUNDO: Xin Xin Ming - (III) - AT THE MALL!

09-15-2011, 04:20 AM
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_GmOOulxhTj8/TOCXuqAYobI/AAAAAAAABzs/VxRN83MVeHQ/s1600/daibutsu03.jpg The town next to ours here in Ibaraki, Japan, is known for two attractions: Its Giant Buddha Statue, over 100 meters tall (never too big!)... and the new "Outlet Mall" looking like it could be transplanted right from Southern California, each clearly seen from the other.

What better place than the mall to look at today's passage from the Xin Xin Ming?

The Way is perfect like vast space
where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess.
Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject
that we do not see the true nature of things.

Nevertheless, we run to the mall, credit cards in hand, to fill temporarily the "lacking" and boredom we feel. Here are the perfect cards to bring!


The advertisements on TV show us that there can be "no excess", that one can never have a big enough house or new enough car, never enough money in the bank. But that is not quite what the Buddha had in mind by "nothing is in excess". Rather, nothing is ever lacking ... nothing is ever in excess ... so live with moderation, simplicity. Sure, there is no need for lay folks to live like monks ... but know what one truly needs for life, appreciate the simple and small, do not be a slave to wants and material things.

In fact, in the Buddha's Mall, nothing is ever lacking or overstocked, there's is always an open parking space ... and the best stuff is totally free!

Today’s Sit-A-Long video follows at this link. Remember: recording ends soon after the beginning bells; a sitting time of 15 to 35 minutes is recommended.


09-15-2011, 10:20 AM

Not so, I heard many ; Thank you Jundo-oso :D _/_

09-15-2011, 11:27 AM
Thank you Jundo!

ps. is there a credit limit on the "enlightenment visa card"? :)

09-15-2011, 02:02 PM
This is pretty much my posture in life now a days. I broke the chain of consumerism a while back and now I live with just what I need. Makes things a lot easier.

Thank you, Sensei.

09-15-2011, 02:14 PM

Thank you for this teaching...and nice to see you sitting in the midst of choas again...something that helped me to finally sit down and listen to your teachings many years ago. :)


09-15-2011, 04:04 PM
Thank you for the inspiration to just sit. If you can do it in the hustle and bustle of the mall I can certainly do it in the peace and comfort of my home. Gassho, Shogen

09-15-2011, 04:09 PM
...I broke the chain of consumerism a while back and now I live with just what I need. Makes things a lot easier.

Yes, its just different from what advertizing and my conditioned mind tells me at times. Buying, buying, buying ? No, cheaper, much easier indeed, no things to carry home, no things to take care, get going, clean each week, dispose when it broke and and and.

However, Jundo, not just eat, sleep, education and health plan ... we need a computer to access treeleaf forum and teisho's ;)

Myozan Kodo
09-15-2011, 07:47 PM
Did security neglect to spot you, Jundo? Maybe their cameras can't spot a subversive. :D

09-15-2011, 09:31 PM
And the shoppers probably thought you were the weirdo! :)


09-15-2011, 10:11 PM
What a lot of noise! It is hard to concentrate on what Jundo is saying... Watching the people bustling around behind you with confused-looking faces and way too much stuff piled on them provides a teaching in itself.

I have bounced around, like he said, to fill that spiritual hole. I'm afraid of committing to anything other than my relationship. Every time I start to get deep into something, I want to flee and retain my "freedom", never accomplishing anything. It's all just wanting on both sides. I want to commit... I don't want to commit... Where is that fine line between wanting and being? Why should I continue with Jukai study and rakusu sewing if it is only because I want the results of doing so? The paradox I seem to be experiencing is wanting to commit to the thing that takes my wanting away...

09-16-2011, 01:49 AM
Hah, I just looked closely at the t-shirt of the girl in the top photo, Buddha at the Mall. I am still not sure, but I think it says ...

Looking Softway from Heart Immediately Around

Oh, such wonderful t-shirts around Japan. The cure for "resistance" is looking in a softway from the Heart immediately around ... says the Giant Buddha. 8)

Gassho, J

09-16-2011, 02:53 AM
The contrast between watching this and then finishing my sitting in a semi quiet room is striking! Thank you for taking us to the mall Jundo Sensei _/_

09-16-2011, 05:46 PM
Thank you Jundo for the gentle reminder.



PS - Uploaded to podcast as well.

09-16-2011, 06:28 PM
It is strange that even ten years after making a conscious effort to do with less and mostly succeeding, I'll occasionally flip through a magazine and feel depressed that I can't afford the stuff in there--when I don't even want any of it! Or I'll look at the wallpaper in my house and wish I could tear it off and spend money on remodeling everything--when it's a perfectly good, clean, structurally sound house.

I don't do the nurturing seeds very often--at least not consciously--but it comes to mind when that kind of greed starts to rise. It's just silly, really, the things we think we have to have.



09-16-2011, 06:50 PM
Thank you Jundo! I've been trying to become more disciplined with spending, and I have.

Yep I really like my "toys". But I'm more mindful of purchases. I try to only play one video game at a time, instead of buying all of them for instance. I also like using my cars until the wheels fall off. This is a hard, but good lesson. But beyond and more importantly... I don't think it's the buying that's bad; hell we have to support the economy. It comes down to using consumerism as an escape... to fill that hole we think exists.

To quote a Guns 'n Roses song (one of the best rock bands of all time :) )

Once you made that money it costs more now
It might cost a lot more than you'd think



09-16-2011, 07:32 PM
No preferences, no judging... but this one belongs in the hall of fame with the blender zazen, Taigu's dirty soup, and Genpo Roshi's April 1 join-up.


09-18-2011, 11:23 AM
It's not silly at all. Our whole economic system depends on marketing making us desire stuff and then buying it.

It takes a lot of effort to learn how to look beyond advertising and marketing campaigns in order to learn what you need to be happy.

A few years back I started this minimalist path that plays nicely with Buddhism. I questioned everything: politics, marketing, industries and social structures. I stopped watching TV (not shows, just regular TV), resulting on less exposure to ads and the findings were outstanding. You just feel liberated from it all and you simply spend a lot less money.

I questioned owning a car and realized that it just stressed me endlessly so I used public transportation. After a while I sold my car and it's been 4 years now. So happy now that I just hop on the bus or train and read a nice book or listen to a podcast or audio book...

Last year I got rid of the smartphone. I realized it just took a lot of time, attention and money from my life. At the end of the day if people want to contact me, there's email, and I work all day on my computer, so having a smartphone was redundant. I cancelled it and went to prepaid last January. And you know what? I don't even need prepaid! Last phone call I got was about 3 months ago. I haven't even spend a single dollar on cell phone in months!

Granted, my way of life isn't for everyone. There are people who depend on the car or the phone to earn a living. But the thing is: it is possible to break away from the system making little efforts. You end up with more money, less stress and a lot more free time to do what you want.

So wanting stuff is not bad at all. Taking the time to sit and analyze our desires and see if they are real needs, that's what this lesson is about... I think.

It is strange that even ten years after making a conscious effort to do with less and mostly succeeding, I'll occasionally flip through a magazine and feel depressed that I can't afford the stuff in there--when I don't even want any of it! Or I'll look at the wallpaper in my house and wish I could tear it off and spend money on remodeling everything--when it's a perfectly good, clean, structurally sound house.

I don't do the nurturing seeds very often--at least not consciously--but it comes to mind when that kind of greed starts to rise. It's just silly, really, the things we think we have to have.



09-20-2011, 12:53 AM


09-25-2011, 06:53 PM
Thank you Jundo. Why Mitsukoshi department store and not 7-11? :D

10-26-2011, 01:51 PM
Thank you jundo.

It is always a releif that what we have is always enough already and there is no need to grasp or seek anything extra. However it is also daunting to know the task that lies ahead to plunge out the drains in our minds that we have spent our lives blocking up!

