View Full Version : 10/8 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Kanadeva (Aryadeva)

10-09-2010, 03:14 AM
A needle vanishes in the water ... yet it remains to stick in one's throat.

The needle brings sharpness and point to the water ... the water sooths sting of needle's bite.

The bright light of the moon sometimes disguises the crane, then shows a clear winged sillouette.

Absent moonlight the crane is blind and lost in darkness ... without crane what is moon to enlighten?

If nothing to fill it, what need for a bowl ... without a place to rest, where is snow to find a home?

A bowl without snow is hollow, empty ... without bowl the snow lacks form.

Master is complete long before the encounter with disciple ... disciple was never born.

Master is completed by disciple ... Incomplete disciple is born from master.

Are they one ... are they two?


The people ask "what worldly benefits in this practice ... will it make our bank account bigger?"

Nagarjuna answers "not big not small ... no recompense".

Cook from 93
Hixon from 89

10-09-2010, 12:30 PM
Are they one, are they two ?

Who of us does not know the answer ?

So many analogies, so many pointers,
but isnt it time to find out ourselves, about the moon ?


10-11-2010, 04:12 AM
Are they one, are they two ?

Who of us does not know the answer ?

So many analogies, so many pointers,
but isnt it time to find out ourselves, about the moon ?


What tastes right for you? Citrus or milk? Almonds or salmon?

I like peppermint and honey tea on a quiet evening, you may like orange juice on a winter morning.

9 bows

Myozan Kodo
10-11-2010, 02:15 PM
They are Empty-headed philosophers that know Nothing.
In Zen terms, that's a compliment. :wink:

10-16-2010, 12:03 AM
Aryadeva appears before us, Thank you Hixon.

My sister ran away from home today and was found forty miles away. We are all Buddha, this is true.

But Buddha or not, we can still be idiots, Needle and bowl or not.


10-16-2010, 02:23 AM
My sister ran away from home today and was found forty miles away. We are all Buddha, this is true.

Indeed...and very glad to hear your sister was found safe!

10-17-2010, 12:55 AM
The needle is an intriguing metaphor for compassion. We sort of think of compassion in more "warm fuzzy" terms. Yet,

"A needle is harder than a diamond."

"The needle of lightning now plunges and strikes."

"The needle....is continuously sewing all phenomena into conscious interdependence and mutual support."

Makes one rethink the nature of compassion.


10-19-2010, 08:02 AM
Cause and effect is compassion undefiled by thought. gassho zak

10-21-2010, 02:40 AM
This one resonates with me! Interesting the dance here much like the 2 books we read are one.
With out a word, wisdom and compassion described in a water filled bowl and a needle, this points us to the way. The Master presents his clear and deep wisdom and the other Buddha happily sounds the way ringing with the needle, direct and penetrating compassion. Compassion sounds the Wisdom of the way. Host and Guest are indistinguishable


10-30-2010, 01:31 AM
A riddle: What do you get when you sew a bowl of water with a needle" Wisdom and compassion.

Water and needle = emptiness and form
Water and needle = absolute and relative
Water and needle = male and female
Add it all up and you get: "gate gate, paragate parasomgate, bodhi svaha" between two like dudes!

And as Brian mentions above, the needle as a metaphor for compassion is wonderfully true. Kannon on fire!


12-19-2010, 12:13 AM
This chapter is like reminiscing of mind making love....