View Full Version : 8/8 - Seven Points of Practice Point 7 Recap - p. 167

08-12-2008, 01:24 PM
Oh, I almost forgot to post this this week. :oops:

I hope that "Point 7" is not about being attentive and mindful ...

Gassho, J

08-14-2008, 03:22 AM
Uchiyama on page 168,

There is no one who can claim to always embody bodhi-mind, the mind that aspires to practice and attain enlightenment. Each of us gathers and contributes his or her own little bodhi-mind to the general effort.

For me, these two sentences sum up the purpose and the value of the sangha in general and Treeleaf in particular.

Gassho, Tony

08-14-2008, 12:04 PM
For me, these two sentences sum up the purpose and the value of the sangha in general and Treeleaf in particular.

Hi Tony, I wholeheartedly agree. One thing that Uchiyama said gave me pause, though.

A good practice place must neither be a place for carrying on religious political intrigues nor a place to try to clamber up the pseudo-spiritual ladder.

That is pretty challenging for any type of group. I keep thinking back to my posts at Treeleaf. Did I engage in any gossip that might exacerbate "religious political intrigues" or express something in a competitive way?

I confess to being competitive. And, I see the negative impact of this behavior on others. The challenge is how to be supportive and helpful to fellow sangha members without being pedantic or resorting to one-upmanship.

I think that it is probably impossible to avoid religious political intrigues and competitiveness in any society. But the better I can understand the root causes of my behavior, the better I can contribute to the sangha and make it a "good practice place." And after all, my practice seems to benefit the most from repeated attempts and failures.



08-14-2008, 05:35 PM

Cooperate with one another and aim to create a place where sincere practitioners can practice without trouble.

Hey, that sounds like Treeleaf, doesn't it? Well, OK, 99% of the time anyway. :wink:


08-16-2008, 03:22 PM
I enjoyed the old saying (on page 168):
The poor farmer makes weeds, the mediocre one makes crops, and the skilled farmer makes soil.

My take was: making soil is about developing the foundation with a focus on conditions and processes that are life-supporting and enhancing. Whereas making crops, suggests a focus and perhaps an attachment to a particular outcome.
