View Full Version : 41/108 Gates of Dharma Illumination

02-01-2021, 12:52 AM
The Forty-first Gate

Enjoyment of the meaning of the Dharma is a gate of Dharma illumination; for [with it] we seek the meaning of the Dharma.

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Gassho, Shokai

02-01-2021, 01:31 AM
Both in school and in my kids I see: enjoyment of subject aids thirst for learning aids broader and deeper understanding aids more enjoyment of subject and so on...it's a positive feedback loop.

Sometimes the initial enjoyment is spontaneous. Sometimes it involves shifting of mental barriers to kickstart it. A year ago I'd have shuddered at sewing. Now post-rakusu making, I love it! It's a wonderfully immersive process of Dharma illumination!

Gassho, Yokai (Chris) sat/lah

02-01-2021, 01:36 AM
Both in school and in my kids I see: enjoyment of subject aids thirst for learning aids broader and deeper understanding aids more enjoyment of subject and so on...it's a positive feedback loop.

Sometimes the initial enjoyment is spontaneous. Sometimes it involves shifting of mental barriers to kickstart it. A year ago I'd have shuddered at sewing. Now post-rakusu making, I love it! It's a wonderfully immersive process of Dharma illumination!

Gassho, Yokai (Chris) sat/lah

gassho2 :encouragement:

02-02-2021, 12:36 AM
Yokai's reflection above is quite similar to how I view this Gate. Experiencing and then seeking more of the joys that the Dharma offers—this seems like the best sort of "attachment" that one can have. ;)

True Dharma brings joy—
Just one taste
And we’re hooked for life



02-03-2021, 01:29 PM
Finding meaning in the Dharma
Brings a gentle rain of realization
And relief.

Sat today. LAH.