View Full Version : [Engaged] SOS MATA ATLANTICA

Marcelo de Valnisio
08-19-2013, 04:54 PM
Here in Brazil we have a big problem regarding our forests and animals that are often ill-treated, exterminated or sold illegally to other countries.
So I usually work personally or financially with SOS MATA ATLANTICA ( http://www.sosma.org.br (http://www.sosma.org.br/) ), WWF-Brazil ( www.wwf.org.br (http://www.wwf.org.br/) ) and the PEA-Projeto Esperança Animal ( www.pea.org.br (http://www.pea.org.br/)).
As far as I could see these organizations do a good work for the environment with responsibly and clarity, keeping their supporters informed about decisions and activities taken by them.

Gassho. gassho1

08-19-2013, 05:39 PM
Olá Marcelo! Obrigado por colocar isso no radar para nós!

I have read the rainforest and fauna are in constant danger. Being aware is great because we can send help and donations.

Thank you for putting this on our radar.



08-20-2013, 11:33 AM
Oi Marcelo, beleza? bom saber que tem outros brasileiros por aqui também.

Good to know that somebody's showing the work of these two important organizations to broad knowledge. Here in Brazil that's an important issue indeed. Thank you for sharing.



Marcelo de Valnisio
08-20-2013, 06:35 PM
Thank you, Kyonin. Obrigado, Marcos. Um grande abraço! [morehappy]

Gassho! gassho1