My comment on the False Teachings thread that said it's more likely to have conflict with those like you than those different from you, including and especially groups, got me to thinking. Historians out there, isn't it more likely to have conflict between religions more similar than different? Off the top of my head I can think of the Crusades where the theistic Muslims and Christians fought, yet they have the same God, and there are episodes of inter-Buddhist conflict, but I can't think of hardly any conflicts between theistic and Buddhist or any version of Christian and Buddhist, for that matter. There's the Inquisition, but they didn't distinguish between much any difference at all, from what I recall about them, so that's on the extreme.

Assuming I recall my religious historical conflict history correctly, isn't that odd? I mean, wouldn't you logically think it the other way around? What does that say about us, as a human race, I mean? Mass delusion seems the obvious answer, but...