Hi, everybody.

I tried to keep my comments as short as possible. Hopefully, they aren't too lean.

“Looking hard at life.” - pg.104

Shundo says that we are the apex of a pyramid in relation to our ancestors, that what we are is the sum of all our ancestors did. And, also, that we are the starting point of our descendants.

From a wider point of view, how can we as Zen practitioners live here and now in a way that honor our Buddhist heritage? And how can we prepare here and now the ground for the future generations of Zen Buddhists?

“The Tale of a Female Demon”, pg. 108

Shundo’s words in this reflection reminded me a passage of the Metta Sutra.

“As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child, even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings. With good will for the entire cosmos, cultivate a limitless heart.”

How, as Zen Buddhists, can we cultivate a limitless heart? What is the role of love in your Zen practice?


Alexander Lima (Sunyata)