How important is it, really, to read the sutras? I have a book called the Buddhist Bible and it is a compilation of sutras from several buddhis sources, and some of them say things like, "and Buddha said, if a person should even remember one line of this sutra, and speak it to others, the merit he will accumulate will be greater than all the grains of sand in all the river Gangees in all the worlds." and several of the masters make reference to the sutras. Dogen will often say, " the sutras say that....." so will other teachers. But, to be honest, some of the sutras read like stereo instructions to me. They are extremely complex and filled with the 10 this and the 34 that, and 495 sense organs, etc. And for our zen practice, obviously we place special emphasis on the Heart Sutra, but are there others that are "zen specific" that I should be reading?