Not a question and not really an observation but here goes: If thoughts come into our minds as clouds in the sky, the 'thought/decision' of being aware of the thoughts/sensations, isn't that just another cloud in the sky that needs to float away as well?

This is something I struggled with for a long time. When I first started sitting, I used to make a conscious effort to be 'aware' of thoughts/feelings/sensations. This led to a very strained sitting. I would attach to the thought of awareness. Eventually, I began to relax and let the 'awareness' float away.

Where does the 'decision' to be aware come from? And where does it disappear? Who is making this decision? It's interesting that the decision to be 'aware', or be mindful usually comes when the thoughts have a high emotional charge. When I'm just thinking thoughts that are emotion-neutral, awareness doesn't really seep in.

Perhaps, my brain has indirectly learned the method of 'awareness' to cope with troublesome thoughts & emotions.

It's also interesting for me the sensations that are associated with making decisions. It's like a short, sharp jab that rises and falls away very quickly.