All things interact ... yet each keeps its place.

Which means the 3rd talk intermingles with the 4th talk, but the 4th talk is now our place.

Please enjoy the sound in your heart of the FOURTH TALK in Suzuki Roshi's talks on the Sandokai ... "THE BLUE JAY WILL COME RIGHT INTO YOUR HEART", pages 63 to 71.

Please also try to listen to Zoketsu Norm Fischer on this section (and the next one ... or you could stop when he gets there and save it for next time. No need to intermingle, as each shines alone) ... ... io-347-212

Notice that they have a little place for donations on that page. I thought that I really should be posting that as we are making such lovely use of these talks. If you have the economic ability (who does these days? :shock: ), please consider a nice donation to cover the entire series. Zen teachers and their families need to eat too ... ya can't live on the absolute alone.

Gassho, Jundo