I often find myself encountering folks about whom I think, "If only he or she would learn how to meditate!" I usually think this after recognizing some quality in them that gets them in trouble that is a quality I also have and that I've learned to deal with through zazen.

I often want to try to convince people to deal with their "come to Jesus" moments not by coming to Jesus, but by meditating. But I've learned from my social work education as well as my life experience that trying to sell someone on something doesn't get anywhere. Yet I also have to consider that if no one had ever gone out there selling the benefits of meditation, I would have never learned of it myself.

I'm sure that others among you have the same impulse. How do you deal with it? Do you ever mention meditation to other folks who aren't already doing it? If so, how? Have you had any success in getting other people to try sitting? At this point, pretty much all I do is mention it when there's an opportune moment, but briefly and without preaching. I think of it as planting a seed and keep in mind that's all I can really do--put the information out there and leave it to the other person to take it or leave it. But sometimes I even question this.