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Thread: I'm not very good at zazen

  1. #1

    I'm not very good at zazen

    I sat zazen in my backyard this morning, on an old tree stump in my garden. As I sat there, this thought came to mind---I"m not very good at zazen. I try my best, but my mind often wants to bolt, like a racehorse. I've been sitting for about 4 years now, but if someone came to me and wanted some advice, I'd have very little to say, more than likely stumbling over my words and not making any sense. Yet, I sit, every single day. It's become such a big part of the foundation of my life.

    So I'm ok with the fact that my mind wants me to think I'm not be very good at it. In fact, maybe that's why I do it so faithfully in the first place.

    sat today

  2. #2
    Hi Joyo,

    I get to that same conclusion sometimes. Am I doing this right? What if I destroy zen forever? Will I ever get something out of this?

    Then I realize I need to sit zazen


    Hondō Kyōnin
    奔道 協忍

  3. #3
    Hello Joyo,

    I too have had those feelings, I think most folks have at some point in their practice. I feel the key to zazen is to just do zazen ... to let go of the right zazen vs wrong zazen and in time, zazen naturally grows and reveals itself. It sounds to me you are already doing that. =)



  4. #4
    Yup me too, although nowadays I feel like my sittings are beyond good and bad. I guess it's good for nothing. And everything too.



    Sat today

  5. #5
    Great, I'm not the only one.
    無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...

  6. #6
    I s*ck at Zazen but I do it every day also. If I ever get good at it then I'll really know I'm doing something wrong.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #7
    Yes me too,
    Every time is the same…I usually try to focus on each short expiration trying to be aware what happens in my mind in the space between expiration and expiration (As I learnt in kendo, I try to take just one long inspiration for as much as expirations I can). The first cycles of breathing the mind gradually starts to be calm, but in a certain point (which I obviously don’t identify until seconds of minutes after) thoughts start to take this place and the space between expirations and even the same inspirations and expirations lost their borders and finally they are completely invaded by my thoughts. When I finally notice that I am completely gone, I come back and start again with my expirations. And obviously sometimes I get frustrated because, like you, I have a lot of years in this cycle and no apparent (or at least not so apparent) improvements have happened. Then, I just remind me that it is not gradual…it is not like learn French or playing tennis, said teacher Joko Beck. Life has to do its part in our transformation and we have to do the ours. And our part is …zazen.
    Sat today

  8. #8
    One of the reasons I chose to sign up to this site is that I can get instructions on Zazen, do it in my own time and for however long I want. There is a soto zen group that is near me that I go to from time to time, but I just can't sit from an hour at a time, let alone do a sesshin. My anxiety issues are so bad that if I sit for longer than 20 minutes I start crying out in pain. 10 mins a day for me usually. Maybe if my anxiety disorder gets better then I'll do more. I've just started 12 step recovery too so hopefully that should help.
    I suck at zazen, but I also suck at Anapanasati and vipassana, but at least with zazen I don't have to worry about obtaining anything.

  9. #9
    I posted this in our readings on the Book of Serenity, but it seems to work here too. All this fits together ...

    Perhaps we may say that life is constant change, moving on and getting lost, for without such the world would be frozen, lifeless and stagnant. Yet, through this Practice we realize such which is beyond all change, always at home, cannot be lost. All at once. Nonetheless, although we can never be "lost" (in a Buddha Eye) even when "lost", we do our best in each choice of word, thought and act not to wander off into life's poison ivy of greed, anger and divisive thoughts in ignorance.

    Dogen also said, “There is the principle of the Way that we must make one mistake after another” (Eihei Koroku, Dogen’s Extensive Record, p. 132). Get up and sometimes fall. Yet through this Practice we realize too that no "mistake" was ever possible, all the ups and downs each shine in their way, and there was no place to fall. All at once. Nonetheless, we do our best not to make mistakes in life, stumble and fall.

    This is how I express "Practice-Enlightenment", and why we never put the raft down, even though there was no raft or river from the outset.
    Perhaps we can say that so often we get lost in thoughts and in judgments about our Zazen (not to mention about life in general). Human beings and our brain think thoughts, for otherwise we would be lifeless, insentient, in a coma or dead. Yet through this Practice we realize such which is Clear beyond and right at the heart of all thought, Good beyond all small human judgments of good and bad. All at once. (This Good Clarity sometimes manifests when the mind is free of all thoughts and judgments, sometimes manifests like a light shining through and illuminating even as all thoughts and judgments ... is present always, even when hidden in our mental fog and storms of thoughts and judgments like the moon which always shines even when shining through or totally covered by clouds). Nonetheless, when sitting we constantly return again and again to opening the hand of thought, not getting tangled in trains of thought, and dropping judgments ... 10,000 times and 10,000 times again ... so that the Illumination at the Heart of thought or no thought, judgment and no judgment is easily seen.

    Something like that.


    Gassho, J

    Last edited by Jundo; 05-21-2016 at 12:07 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Shingen View Post
    Hello Joyo,

    I feel the key to zazen is to just do zazen ... to let go of the right zazen vs wrong zazen and in time, zazen naturally grows and reveals itself. =)


    Thank you everyone, and thank you for this Shingen. Much appreciated.

    sat today

  11. #11
    I, too, belong here. 3 years of sitting with "no progress"
    Sometimes I recall the words of someone I read in an article a couple of years ago which go like
    "You can train yourself to sit for hours with the straight back and correct posture until you get bruises on your
    bottom, but if you do the whole thing wrong you're just wasting time on your cushion.." This sure is somewhat
    discouraging. Then I remember many sayings I heard about good zazen vs wrong zazen as well as all valuable
    posts of Jundo here..

    Also, I've recently come across this passage in the chapter of Boykin's book which I really like:

    If practicing meditation is worth doing, it's worth doing badly.
    If practicing compassion is worth doing, it's worth doing badly.
    You need not choose between practicing Zen "well" and not practicing Zen at all.
    Be a mediocre Zen practitioner, or a lousy Zen practitioner.
    Practice Zen awkwardly, sporadically, idiosyncratically.
    Do zazen in a noisy place with bright lights.
    Keep your eyes closed. Fidget. Slouch.
    So I just keep sitting..

    sat today
    Last edited by Washin; 05-20-2016 at 08:44 AM. Reason: spacing

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Washin View Post
    I, too, belong here. 3 years of sitting with "no progress"
    Sometimes I recall the words of someone I read in an article a couple of years ago which go like
    "You can train yourself to sit for hours with the straight back and correct posture until you get bruises on your
    bottom, but if you do the whole thing wrong you're just wasting time on your cushion.." This sure is somewhat
    discouraging. Then I remember many sayings I heard about good zazen vs wrong zazen as well as all valuable
    posts of Jundo here..

    Also, I've recently come across this passage in the chapter of Boykin's book which I really like:

    If practicing meditation is worth doing, it's worth doing badly.
    If practicing compassion is worth doing, it's worth doing badly.
    You need not choose between practicing Zen "well" and not practicing Zen at all.
    Be a mediocre Zen practitioner, or a lousy Zen practitioner.
    Practice Zen awkwardly, sporadically, idiosyncratically.
    Do zazen in a noisy place with bright lights.
    Keep your eyes closed. Fidget. Slouch.

    So I just keep sitting..

    sat today

    Thank you Washin.


    Sat today
    Last edited by Toun; 05-20-2016 at 01:35 PM.

  13. #13
    Washin, Jundo, thank you

    Washin, 4 years with no progress for me.

    sat today

  14. #14
    Hi Joyo,

    just be that stump. It's been wanting to bolt like a race horse for ages.


  15. #15
    My sitting has yet to become daily, my brain will often find a place to run to, and when it doesn't I am confronted with things that require a lot of decompression and processing. All in all I have found it to be terrifically horrible. I figure bodhisattvas are not born they are built... back to the task at hand

    和 Harmony
    秀 Excellence

    "Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body" George Carlin Roshi

  16. #16
    Hi Joyo,

    I don't have this problem. I am awesome at Zazen. All the time.

    Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_

  17. #17
    Lots of wisdom in this thread!

    Thanks for all of it.


  18. #18
    Hi Joyo, you hit the mark, I think all of us if we are honest have the feeling we are not very good at this Zazen practice Just the other morning had the sudden feeling of falling, and realized that I had fallen asleep! This in the back of my mind I noted a great comment in this quarterly Buddhadharma. in the section "First Thoughts", In several commentaries on zazen there was one titled "The Crash is Part of It" and started with the statement "for Brand Warner zazen is like surfing, every single time you do it you fall" Somehow for me, a Southern California raised kid, it rang a bell. That's it, you ride the wave as long as conditions allow, crash, turn and paddle out to get back on the next wave. Its the same no mater how skilled you are. Not good or bad, just what we do.
    Woops! SAT TODAY
    Last edited by lorax; 05-21-2016 at 06:08 PM.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by threethirty View Post
    My sitting has yet to become daily, my brain will often find a place to run to, and when it doesn't I am confronted with things that require a lot of decompression and processing. All in all I have found it to be terrifically horrible. I figure bodhisattvas are not born they are built... back to the task at hand


    You are already a bodhisattva with pure being. It's just that we've piled all this junk on top of it. Just sitting with junk and accepting it transforms it into a golden Buddha.

    SAT today
    無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...

  20. #20
    While sitting this morning this thread crept into my mind so I sat part of the time wondering if I was any good at sitting. Whatever that means.....

    Sat today

  21. #21
    Great thread since I always find myself dealing with these very issues.

    I have personally experienced worrying about "zazen" before engaging in "zazen". Will it be great, bad or something in between?

    I come to the cushion trying to control my thoughts which in turn produces a constant grasping of my "mind play" that complicates the whole situation. One thing that has helped me is the breath and observing its movement. This helps me let go of any thoughts as I become the observer while not trying to grapple with whats going on in my mind. In a way it anchors my practice even when the monkey mind is really all over the place.

    Maybe when I become a "Jedi Zen Master" I will eventually let go of the breath and float in my crystal clear blue sky,
    but until that happens I will continue to sit on my zafu observing my very restless mind.



  22. #22
    I'm probably not that great at meditation, and so what, what I think about it doesn't matter. The joy of just sitting is in my bones.

    Sat today
    無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...

  23. #23
    You know what Rich? The more I hang around this wonderful place the more I appreciate your simple, honest, heartfelt wisdom.

    Thank you.

    Sat today.

  24. #24
    Thanks Marty, just sayin what I feel, and sometimes lose my senses so just warnin ya.

    SAT today
    無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Rich View Post
    I'm probably not that great at meditation, and so what, what I think about it doesn't matter. The joy of just sitting is in my bones.

    Sat today
    Thank you for the teaching.

    sat today

  26. #26
    Joyo--thank you

    I am detracted and sometimes confused especially with my body--my sensation, and I sit, sometimes for 15 minutes, sometimes not at same time each day, try as I might--and I sit anyway--at first and still sometimes to impress, sometimes just sitting. Joyo, thank you for reminding me.

    Tai Shi
    sat today
    Peaceful Poet, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, limited to positive 優婆塞 台 婆

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyonin View Post
    Hi Joyo,
    What if I destroy zen forever?
    I would offer you 100 bows, Kyonin! Please be quick with it! No rush though

    @Joyo: Yup, been there I think this thing is unavoidable. Which I feel is just as it should be. Sit wrong zazen. If you do it long enough, it's no longer wrong. And no longer zazen.
    This morning I sat in my local zendo. I slept through the first sitting. The second sitting was clear and fresh. Both sittings were wrong, and both were perfect. I smiled when I walked to the supermarket for breakfast


    Slept Today
    Ongen (音源) - Sound Source

  28. #28
    Over the past few months I have only Sat Zazen a handful of times. What I have learned from my experience is that all that doubt that I had in my practice was for nothing. I may wabble when I sit, or scratch my nose from time to time.. cough.. glance.. hum a tune in my mind, all the while feeling like I'm getting nowhere. But! Over the time I have moved away from my practice, the world has crept in, and all those subtle things I took for granted now stare me in the face. I had made progress in my actions toward others, in patience. In tolerance. In loving and selfless giving. It took losing all of that to realize while not all was right, much is missing when I don't sit daily.

    Brooks sat today..

    Sent from my NS-P16AT08 using Tapatalk
    "The victorious ones have said that emptiness is the relinquishing of all views. For whomever emptiness is a view, that one has achieved nothing." - Nagarjuna

  29. #29
    I don't think I'm very good at it either. I do my best and figure the rest will take care of itself. Besides, it's not like they give out awards for best sitter. Or do they? Well I'll settle for the participation trophy.

    Gassho, Entai

    泰 Entai (Bill)
    "this is not a dress rehearsal"

  30. #30

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Entai View Post
    Besides, it's not like they give out awards for best sitter. Or do they? Well I'll settle for the participation trophy.

    Gassho, Entai

    Gassho, J


  32. #32
    Hi all,
    I read many recognisable quotes here. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
    And if I may put in my "five cents":
    Not trying to be good at it makes it a lot better.
    (I know, its a paradox as many things in Zen)
    Never the less: Thank you all for your practice.


  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Jundo View Post

    Gassho, J

    Lol!! This is hilarious.

    And, a little over a year since I last posted on this thread, I still am lousy at Zazen but I worry a lot less about it now


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  34. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Jundo View Post
    I posted this in our readings on the Book of Serenity, but it seems to work here too. All this fits together ...

    Perhaps we can say that so often we get lost in thoughts and in judgments about our Zazen (not to mention about life in general). Human beings and our brain think thoughts, for otherwise we would be lifeless, insentient, in a coma or dead. Yet through this Practice we realize such which is Clear beyond and right at the heart of all thought, Good beyond all small human judgments of good and bad. All at once. (This Good Clarity sometimes manifests when the mind is free of all thoughts and judgments, sometimes manifests like a light shining through and illuminating even as all thoughts and judgments ... is present always, even when hidden in our mental fog and storms of thoughts and judgments like the moon which always shines even when shining through or totally covered by clouds). Nonetheless, when sitting we constantly return again and again to opening the hand of thought, not getting tangled in trains of thought, and dropping judgments ... 10,000 times and 10,000 times again ... so that the Illumination at the Heart of thought or no thought, judgment and no judgment is easily seen.

    Something like that.


    Gassho, J


    Thanks you for this, Jundo. I think you've touched on a main difference between meditating and sitting. In shikantaza (IMHO), things are, in one sense, accepted as they are without judgment. When we sit, our shoulder discomfort is just discomfort. Our looking is just looking. Our breathing is just breathing. Additionally, our thinking is just thinking - it is no more "me" than the aching shoulder or steady breathing. The job of the bird is to sing, the job of the mind is to think. No problem.


  35. #35
    Of all the things I'm bad at. Zazen is the least of my worries.

    Sat Badly Today

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Jundo View Post

    Gassho, J

    Well.... That was unexpected! Thanks for this. It made my day.
    Gassho, Entai

  37. #37
    When I think zazen is "not so good" (and we must not forget that there really is no such thing), I tell myself that this is my chance to not do, not be and not think. I look at is as a "break" and not something on my to do list.

    Gassho, sat today, lah
    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.

  38. #38
    There is no "good" zazen nor is there any "bad" zazen. There is just "YOUR" zen. As with life it's always changing. Flow with it; Enjoy and discover !

    Gassho, Shokai

    gassho, Shokai

    仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

    "Open to life in a benevolent way"

  39. #39
    Funny I just listened to another Domyo Burke podcast today about deepening Zazen without getting "stuck" in either complacent satisfaction or chronic dissatisfaction with it. It reminded me of Jundo's "not too tight or too loose" talk. I definitely can fluctuate to both extremes. I wonder if that is where retreats and/or Sesshin help? They put you in a place where complacency is almost impossible and you have no choice but to stay in the present, one moment at a time, just to keep going!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  40. #40
    I am an imperfect person so imperfect at Zazen. I have meditated off and on for 50 years (though gravitating towards Zen only the last 18 years) though there were many weeks, months and even years between sits during my youth and career years. I always thought I would get good at it if I lived long enough and kept practicing. I have gone to several week long retreats, a couple dozen weekend Zazenkais thinking practice (and there extensive practice) makes you better. I assumed I was good at it because I made it through without leaving! Of course I could have just been stubborn When I began I thought I would know I was good when I reached some elevated plane, a higher state of consciounes, nirvana, walking around with a constant smile on my face with nothing but good thoughts and deeds in my wake, etc. I stopped looking for those indicators, I now sit with few expectations except that stretching at the end feels good. So I don't know if I am good or bad or neither (and actually do not think about it much anymore) but I stay with it, even if short, medium or long breaks come. I just work for consistency.

    This is just me. And I am always ready to learn.


  41. #41
    i am a lousy sitter too. For years i had two questions: a) why can everybody sit so well b) why cannot i sit that well.
    But as often happens in zen : i do not know the answer on those questions, but i do not have those questions any more..



    hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

    Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment

  42. #42
    I am the worst at zazen.

    That's why I sit twice a day. Maybe some day I'll get it right... or not.

    The video was amazingly funny!


    Hondō Kyōnin
    奔道 協忍

  43. #43
    I think there's a very good reason that what we do is called......"practice".

    Some days, I'm *great* at zazen (or so I tell myself. ).....other days, I count myself lucky if I remember which cushion is the zafu. But seriously, I don't think the issue is with the sitting itself -- it's with having that moment of mindfulness, and being "where you are". Sitting is a device, a means of focusing (or sometimes just trying to focus) and being in the moment. If you are working too hard at it, or worrying too much about it, are you really accomplishing what you want?

    The perfect sitting is, in my opinion, *any* sitting you do. I'd be willing to bet you at least a dollar that even some of the great "zen masters" had doubts about their sitting.

    Don't worry, don't overthink, don't stress.....just sit.

    Just my opinion....your mileage may vary!

    Gassho --

    --JimH (SatToday!)

  44. #44
    Here is a lovely talk by Shohaku Okumura on Zazen is good for nothing ... =)



  45. #45
    Thank you, I had a sucky zazen today and reading this thread made me feel a whole lot better

    Something to learn here perhaps about 'radical acceptance' as Marsha Linehan calls it. Maybe if I can learn to accept how much I suck at zazen, then I can learn to accept other aspects of life as well


    sat today


  46. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by davidh View Post
    Thank you, I had a sucky zazen today and reading this thread made me feel a whole lot better

    Something to learn here perhaps about 'radical acceptance' as Marsha Linehan calls it. Maybe if I can learn to accept how much I suck at zazen, then I can learn to accept other aspects of life as well


    sat today

    Ah, a Koan for you: What transcends both human "sucky" and "not sucky"?

    Zazen is not a matter of never feeling "sucky." Rather, it is a Big NS "Not Sucky" which is so "Not Sucky" that sometimes it feels human "not sucky" but sometimes it feels human really "sucky."

    Thus, in Zazen, we sit as what is, dropping judgment ... whereby sucky times are just sucky, not sucky times are not sucky, thus to find the Big "Not Sucky" that is embodied in both sucky and not sucky and everything else in the world.

    A funny thing about the word "sucky" is that it sounds a little like "Dukkha" and "Sukkha." The Buddha set out on his search to find an answer for "Dukkha" ....

    No one English word captures the full depth and range of the Pali term, Dukkha. It is sometimes rendered as “suffering,” as in “life is suffering.” But perhaps it’s better expressed as “dissatisfaction,” “anxiety,” “disappointment,” “unease at perfection,” or “frustration” — terms that wonderfully convey a subtlety of meaning.

    In a nutshell, your “self” wishes this world to be X, yet this world is not X. The mental state that may result to the “self” from this disparity is Dukkha.
    Shakyamuni Buddha gave many examples: sickness (when we do not wish to be sick), old age (when we long for youth), death (if we cling to life), loss of a loved one (as we cannot let go), violated expectations, the failure of happy moments to last (though we wish them to last). Even joyous moments — such as happiness and good news, treasure or pleasant times — can be a source of suffering if we cling to them, if we are attached to those things.

    In ancient stories, Dukkha is often compared to a chariot’s or potter’s wheel that will not turn smoothly as it revolves. The opposite, Sukkha, is a wheel that spins smoothly and noiselessly, without resistance as it goes.

    Fortunately, Shakyamuni Buddha also provided the Dukkha cure. ... Our Practice closes the gap; not the least separation.
    Time once again for me to point folks to some advice on "sucky" and "not sucky" Zazen ... Please have a look:

    Right Zazen and Wrong Zazen

    In a nutshell, by transcending constant human judgments of "right vs. wrong" "good v. bad" we may discover "Good Zazen" which feels right. But by constantly being judgmental and searching for "good Zazen", we are likely to miss the mark. This makes Shikantaza very different from many forms of meditation which seek a good experience that feels good.

    Gassho, J


  47. #47
    Thanks for the reminder Jundo!

    Although some of the time I still have to procrastinate my way to the cushion, other times I get all anticipatory about how wonderful it will be, and prepare everything just so, and then... instead of being all perfect, there's a wicked itch on my face, my feet get cold, the dog is whining insistently outside the door, and/or I keep catching my mind off down some rabbit hole of thoughts. The problem is not with the Zazen itself, but with my anticipating it to be something other than what it is.


  48. #48

    Thanks for the great reply



    sat today

  49. #49
    Member Seishin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    La Croix-Avranchin, Basse Normandie, France
    Thank you Jundo for reiterating this point, as I still find myself critiquing mid sit.

    Shingen the Okumura link seems to have disappeared from your post. Is this just impermanence or some other work at play ?

    SIZT / L


    Sei - Meticulous
    Shin - Heart

  50. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Shingen View Post
    Here is a lovely talk by Shohaku Okumura on Zazen is good for nothing ... =)


    The video seems to be still there, and it shines. I hope everyone in the Sangha will listen to it, and the accompanying video Talks by Okumura Roshi if possible.

    Such a short, clear, logical (in a good way) explanation of some of the basic counter-intuitively wise aspects of this Way.

    Nine Bows, J


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