Throughout the last week, there has been twitching and jolting accompanying zazen. Discussed with other Dharma students and they suggested more stretching, new cushion, vitamins, skin lotion (to calm the nerves), the spine getting used to sitting straight (typical sloucher), and possibly nearing some kind of next phase of practice.

All suggestions seem likely, but what does the Sangha think? All the postures have been tried (including chair sitting) and twitching occurs with them all. It's not even like random spasms. It's more along the lines of how the arms shake while holding up a dumbbell for an extended period of time.

Sometimes it's just in the legs, at other times it's even in the arms and shoulders, and the mudra even tremors. Never the head or face though, and thoughts are not racing or louder than usual, and there's no apparent emotional tension. The curious thing is I've been sitting for months and it only recently began. What do ya think buds?

Gassho, John